Post Commentdecent line up? that's severely questionable at best.
If I were in The Chariot, I'd honestly be considering hanging it up when Oh Sleeper was co-headlining. That's a bummer.
Chariot and oh sleeper are good.fck those other bands.
all shall vanflip except we came as romans.
The Chariot is the ONLY SEMI decent band on this tour
No.... Thats ok, No need to come to Michigan. Thank You tho.
we came as romans can go fck themselves. STUNNER!
Anyone need tickets for toledo OH 10/22 ? myspace.com/arsonoursavior
This show would be ten times better if We Came as Romans and Dead and Divine weren't on it. We came as Vanflip
Chariot and Oh Sleeper are great. wish there were more dates
my youth pastor is taking me to this show, its gunna rip bro
support for this tour is whack. lineup sucks. tour dates suck.
i got straight up SAVED during their set with ETID. thank u jeezus lolz
The Chariots first few releases were great. I'll be there 10/23 fight me.
fck THE CHARIOT I know we all joke on here about people dieing but I wouldnt lose sleep over that band. they suck, their live shows are the saddest thing ever. people who listen to that band amaze me with how they could like such a shitty band
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