Post CommentCatalepsy should go nu metal. Only because I enjoy it. They were nice guys when I talked to them. No beef.
Great more crappy vocals,and antigod sayings.worse band ever.
Why is this news? You know why to expect a different sounding album? Because members on the last one got out while the getting was good... if anything BYD is on this, then expect nu-metal.
i've heard demos of the new tracks. WAY different than before.
We're done with the whole 'deathcore' genre......... off one gay band wagon to the next like gay sheep.
Woooow cool, your done with the whole deathcore thing. So now you'll hop on the next cool thing.
Were done with last weeks genre, its time to jump ship and try a new gay trend -Catelepsy
heard the new stuff, sounds like the retarded nu-metal child of disturbed and bury your dead. worst release of 09, calling it already.
Let's rerecord all of our EP, yet still manage to have the songsall sound the same - what irony.
that's what happens when you tour with too pure to die, fck this garbage.
Shit band, working with associations of another shit band, from one shit genre to the next shitty genre...watch it be hardcore fused with pop punk
Antigod chants with nu-metal riffs and singing choruses. Fantastic.
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first post. shit band. die.