NewsMarch 19, 2009 2:03 PM ET6,868 views

For Today, After The Burial tour dates

For Today and After The Burial will team up for a handful of shows next month along with Broadcast The Nightmare and Catalepsy. Dates include: 4/13 Howell, MI @ Opera House 4/15 Reading, PA @ Silo 4/16 Plains, PA @ Energy 4/18 Worcester, MA @ New England Metal and Hardcore Fest 4/19 Poughkeepsie, NY @ The Chance w/ Suicide Silence, Bury Your Dead, more 4/20 Blairsville, PA @ The Corner Pocket w/ Winds of Plague, The Ghost Inside 4/21 Fort Wayne, IN @ Sunset Hall w/ Winds of Plague, The Ghost Inside 4/23 Wausau, WI @ The Afterdark (FT and ATB only)


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at_work 3/19/2009 11:04:29 AM

shit bands. first.

awesomely_epic 3/19/2009 11:17:31 AM

pumped for this tour

kniferevenge 3/19/2009 11:48:21 AM

Catalepsy is terrible.

zukkahmahdeek00 3/19/2009 12:00:39 PM

ATB is alright but their vocalist sucks dck. Otherwise, awful gay tour.

pukeskywalker 3/19/2009 12:12:34 PM

man, I remember when metalcore actually STOOD for you something.. you know bro?

fartsss 3/19/2009 12:33:31 PM

ATB & FT repping the midwest

fagatha 3/19/2009 2:39:20 PM


ldr_2mg 3/19/2009 4:58:47 PM

weedle/chug/weedle/arpeggio/bad clean vox and done

BIGTAKEOVER 3/19/2009 5:02:24 PM

this is awful...stay the fck out of louisiana

god_bless 3/19/2009 5:43:05 PM


Fraility 3/19/2009 5:45:32 PM

LMFAO @ For Today, Trying to represent Sioux City, Iowa. What douche bags. Horrible bands.

metal_bob 3/19/2009 6:42:28 PM

For Today was terrible when I lived in Sioux City back in like 2005

peesoupoopot 3/19/2009 7:11:34 PM

for today is cool if your into the whole overly preach your shit to any one you talk to gimmick.

Jibbles 3/19/2009 11:09:07 PM

anyone who loves being preached at should go see for today i should know i had to sit through them at this fcking stupid fest once

moshyurface 3/20/2009 1:28:09 AM

tha new ATB singer is great. the really stepped up tha quality and professionalism with anthony. sick live too.

Fraility 3/20/2009 2:29:37 AM

Very true Metal_Bob, very, very true...

mrfister187 3/20/2009 2:34:03 PM

Addam from Oceano once tried out as ATB singer, that would've been different.

RogerKlotz 3/21/2009 12:13:22 AM

i support for today. at least they stand for something. some of the nicest dudes i've met. some huge shows on this tour

xflipgoatx 3/21/2009 2:18:06 PM

for today and catalepsy... two bands that share the same message and image, amirite?

cantfakethepunk 3/21/2009 3:08:45 PM

for today is super sick.

bigbabyhayzeus 3/23/2009 2:07:40 AM

cataldecapsy is a joke

cvk74 3/23/2009 11:01:42 PM

After The Burial better be headling, For Today is HORRIBLE....

tonsoffun123 4/2/2009 3:12:59 AM

xflipgoatx you speak truth hahaha. Catalepsy are my dudes though.

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