Post CommentATB is alright but their vocalist sucks dck. Otherwise, awful gay tour.
man, I remember when metalcore actually STOOD for you something.. you know bro?
weedle/chug/weedle/arpeggio/bad clean vox and done
this is awful...stay the fck out of louisiana
LMFAO @ For Today, Trying to represent Sioux City, Iowa. What douche bags. Horrible bands.
For Today was terrible when I lived in Sioux City back in like 2005
for today is cool if your into the whole overly preach your shit to any one you talk to gimmick.
anyone who loves being preached at should go see for today i should know i had to sit through them at this fcking stupid fest once
tha new ATB singer is great. the really stepped up tha quality and professionalism with anthony. sick live too.
Addam from Oceano once tried out as ATB singer, that would've been different.
i support for today. at least they stand for something. some of the nicest dudes i've met. some huge shows on this tour
for today and catalepsy... two bands that share the same message and image, amirite?
After The Burial better be headling, For Today is HORRIBLE....
xflipgoatx you speak truth hahaha. Catalepsy are my dudes though.
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shit bands. first.