Post CommentAwesome, will not check this out cuz I ain't givin' no fck
that rahzel dude is crazy. i remember napstering him in 6th grade. LOL.
Faith No More better be making a US appearance.
please play the fcking states, especially mine
bastardmaker 2/24/2009 3:32:59 PM please play the fcking states, especially mine
aw fck me. i would love to see fnm!!!! i didnt know patton did all of that voice work for film and games before either, pretty sweet
I like most of Mike Patton's shit, however, I'm certain this will suck.
Mike Patton can make zombie noises like nobody's fcking business
Angledust and King for a Day were amazing. Everything else FNM related, not so much.
Will be flying to England for the reunion shows as there are apparently zero plans for US shows.
Never understood why this guy was considered so great. FNM was never an impressive band to me at all.
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Awesome, will check this out. Release a new Fantomas already!