Post CommentToo Poor To Drive. I don't understand why so many bands tour with shitty vans.
because when you're poor and in a band you basically drive whatever you've got into the ground. most bands don't have several thousand dollars to drop on a new vehicle every couple of years.
My old bands would throw together like $6k for a good van before we even thought of touring, and had it checked before each tour. Never broke down or even blew a tire. We were poor and in a band, but we made it work.
fck you. Meshuggah played all of your breakdowns before you did.
bro-mosh bullshit at it's finest. honestly, who likes this garbage?
fancy adult logic: why not just cancel the week of shows that occur during the time your shitbox is getting a new roll of duct tape?
DWAYNE 2/16/2009 9:35:07 AM IMMA BREAK DAT BACK AND fck DAT AZZ------------this is getting annoying and its not funny. its about time to stop posting that. gay
I wish they would have left the tour early to break up.
Throwing 6k at a van isn't exactly poor, is it? Too Pure to Every Time I Die fcking blows
we bought a "pos" van 3 years ago for 3.5K and its getting ready to hit 200,000 miles. the key is knowing someone who works at FORD to take good care of our baby.
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