Post Commentway to rip off of an awesome converge song for a band name
Oh look, the gays Touring With gays tour '09. I was wondering who'd be on it this year.
The "No Care, No Go Tour" is looking to swoop the midwest and Texas.
other than the rearyst this is gay shit
Holy fck this tour is going to suck. Glad it's not coming to my town.
Holy lol @ Arlington followed by Fort Worth. I've never heard of the Hanger. This tour will only debt these bands further.
Awesome to everything here, especially THIS TIME IT'S WAR.
toledo to binghamton to fredricksburg? this tour should be called "10 hour drives and dives."
toledo to binghamton to fredricksburg? this tour should be called "10 hour drives and dives." >>> or "East Bound & Down Tour" gotta love some Smokey & The Bandit.
fck everyone in here for not sucking my dck.
have fun playing in front of absolutely NO ONE in fort myers and sarasota... gayS!!
The rearyst and KEH deserve to be on better tours. And then once they're on better ones, Emmure should get put on this one.
This lineup is disgusting... not in a good way either. what a weird tour.
i remember when all u shits on here were jocking knights of the abyss. bet u thought they were gonna get big too. what happened?
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first no care