Post CommentI will be seeing psyopus on 2-16. but fck tis tour
CHECK OUT CATALEPSYS MEMBER'S G/F NOW! http://s684. photobucket. com/albums/vv207/billlumbergh/
http://s684. photobucket. com/albums/vv207/billlumbergh/
The USPS is thinking about ending Saturday deliveries. I guess that means no more Saturday male for u queers. If you kno what I men
thats robs girlfriend right? i have seen some real solid nudes of her before. not too bad at all.
DUDE. psyopus has GOT to get a new booking agent.
>>exmembersof 1/29/2009 5:42:11 PM DUDE. psyopus has GOT to get a new booking agent.<< i concur. Psyopus needs to fire thier booking agent immediately and start getting on bigger tours at this point
psyopus plays bad tour because they are bad
I'm downloading the first Mortal Kombat movie right now. That's the closest thing to me giving a fck about this tour as I can come up with.
kids in girl pants and swoop haircuts rejoice! 4 gay scene bands on one ticket?!!!
Meshuggah fcking hates Catalepsy and ABACABB.
psyopus quit gaygits you all suck flip your van and die youll never be on a bus hahhahaha that sucksssssss
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