Post CommentI love this is as real as it gets and that's about it. no care.
alright so this band has a new album every year?
newsonlygoater 12/11/2008 3:01:38 PM LOL @ TOURING WITH WAKING THE CADAVER
Beginning Of The End was one of the best tough guy hardcore albums of the decade. Too bad you're too IGNORANT to realize it.
" we took it back to as real as it gets"......didnt that album come out like 3 years ago? not really "taking it back" when u think about how long they've been playing
Cool Dudes Chillin? You have got to be kidding me.
Cool Dudes Chillin,Cool Dudes Chillin,Cool Dudes Chillin,Cool Dudes Chillin,Cool Dudes Chillin,Cool Dudes Chillin,Cool Dudes Chillin,Cool Dudes Chillin,Cool Dudes Chillin,Cool Dudes Chillin, jrad
1) tim lambesis has some slick production skillz. 2) sworn enemy needs to stop making the same fcking record. 3) cool dudes chillin = fck ya
serious lolz @ tour with waking the cadaver. they need to do an album without tim lambesis for once
I love how Freya still needs "(Karl from Earth Crisis)" next to their name so people know who they are. Break up and die.
how does waking the cadaver get on shit like this? christ
waking the cadaver got on this because all the other bands on this are terrible just as well. fck this tour. CDC are however cool dudes. ;)
xenosapien 12/11/2008 4:49:45 PM Cool Dudes Chillin? You have got to be kidding me.
newsonlygoater 12/11/2008 3:01:38 PM LOL @ TOURING WITH WAKING THE CADAVER ... Waking the Cadaver is gonna be the new band to swing on Jamey's Jasta's Nuts
"The fact that I couldn't see it coming took me by surprise"
Woodshatter 12/11/2008 3:51:03 PM DA SCREAMS DA HORROR DA TRAGEDY NINE ELEVEN - Hahaahahaha. fcking outstanding.
cool dudes chillin? could anyone think of a better band name? lol
i always thought CDC stood for 'chompin down chalupas'
Freya, waking the cadaver and CDC? That's the worst show I've ever heard of
Looking forward to this! Great dudes, great band! Mama Luke TV!!! WTC doesn't deserve to tour anywhere, especially with a band like sworn enemy!
It's actually Cyborg Death Camp. T1000 is pissed.
A lot more ignorant? Is that a good thing? CDC are good dudes.
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