Post Commenthaha. funny joke, webby. seriously, though; tell us who's really touring.
i just bought all the tickets to all the shows. sucks for you guys!
What the fck kind of a name is Jamies Elsewhere? Should there be an apostrophe, as in Jamie is elsewhere; or are they saying there are countless Jamies in the world but they are not located right here...? Ridiculous.
why does lambgoat post this fcking shit.
motionless and white is an total old eighteen visions song ripoff. get original with your goddamn names! oh yeah....and wtf is this shit doing on lambgoat? i literally laughed when i saw it. thank you for skipping Cali.
haha gays couldnt even get a good venue in jersey. in white is the worst band. have fun waiting for your crowd to be dropped off by daddy
No Ohio, saaaaffffffe. I think this tour needs a few more PA dates?
jamies elsewhere - L-O- Freakin-L!! What a fcking stupid name. tour fire, please.
honestly do not understand how this is on lambgoat. good fcking lord. webby should be ashamed of himself.
the only thing that could make this tour worse is if they added emmure to it
I can't believe that they take themselves seriously
And the sad thing is this tour will pour more than any other band on this site.
people who don't know any better are psyched
that little fruitcake singing in alesana is about 3 seconds away from an arm-bar
Hahahahahaha, fodder for the wolves. fck this fcking gay fcking tour vanflip x4 plz die, get robbed.
i predict a stolen van by the end of this tour
Stolen Van + Vanflip a la Comeback Kid/Gravemaker tour...
fck all of these bands. Why is this even in the news?
Alesana paid 3000 to advertise in AP. AP rated their last album 1/2 star and I quote "epitome of what is wrong with the music scene today" pretty sad you cant even pay for a good review.
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