Rise And Fall has issued a lengthy update regarding the status of their next album. Here you go:
"Today is September 29th and it's crazy to realize that almost a year has passed since we originally booked studio time at Godcity in November '07. All 4 of us thought it would be challenging and above all possible to write a record within a really narrow timeframe, starting the minute we ended our last US tour in august '07 'till we would hit the studio in november that same year, and that it would make for a record where all songs add up to one compact beast.
"However we forgot to take in account that nothing is ever easy when it comes to Rise And Fall and even more so when it comes to writing. None of us wanted to write the same record we already wrote. While 'Into Oblivion' came as a natural progression, the next step up from the previous record 'Hellmouth,' now we stepped away from the blueprint that determined our writing process. While working like that makes space for creative input from all angles it also takes away the very foundation of what you are used to when creating music.
"As stated higher none of us wanted to make same same record we already did but whilst doing so we also kept in mind that we wanted to write and record a record that is 100% Rise And Fall. So taking that in account, also losing our rehearsal place 3 times, building our own rehearsal place to not have to deal with those problems anymore, encountering times where we would rather fight eachother than play music together and experiencing the disadvantages of a democracy within a band first hand...all of this brings us one year later.
"As we speak we are recording demos for 8 tracks we are satisfied with at this point, we have scheduled another demo session early '09, we're stoked Kurt at Godcity still wants to work with us after we flaked out on him last year and are looking forward to the experience of working with him. And above all, we will be more than stoked when a new Rise And Fall record is fact instead of some vision in our heads. Keep posted to be updated on how our writing is coming along and more Rise And Fall related news in general."
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