NewsSeptember 20, 2008 12:02 AM ET2,000 views

Look What I Did, Born Empty tour dates

Look What I Did and Born Empty will be touring together in November. Dates include: 11/1 Pikeville, TN @ Pikeville Fairgrounds 11/3 Johnson City, TN @ The Hideaway 11/4 Boone, NC @ Parthenon's 11/5 Lynchburg, VA @ The LBC Pit 11/6 Staunton, VA @ Kronos 11/7 Berryville, VA @ The GK Center 11/8 Virginia Beach, VA @ Club Relevant 11/9 Durham, NC @ Marvell Event Center 11/10 Fayetteville, NC @ The Rock Shop 11/11 Chattanooga, TN @ JJ's Bohemia 11/12 Tullahoma, TN @ K Street 11/14 Nashville, TN @ The End 11/15 Louisville, KY @ Wick's on Dixie


Post Comment

bloodhammer 9/19/2008 9:24:48 PM

PIG NUTS 666 666 666 666

musicflip 9/19/2008 9:43:01 PM

double van flip into each other please!

chicken_gang_bang 9/19/2008 10:01:06 PM

Look What I Did is horrible

xperineumx 9/19/2008 10:52:27 PM

LWID is interesting to watch live. only cred i'm giving.

perilsofreasoning 9/20/2008 12:26:49 AM

lwid is a really good band and i love them d00ds

hatredoftheliving 9/20/2008 12:58:31 AM

5 of the 13 dates are in TN. Tourflip.

pongo_pigmayis 9/20/2008 1:08:12 AM

lwid is surprisingly good.

eos_emissio 9/20/2008 10:40:28 AM

Good dudes, original band so if you hate 'em fck off. Go listen to Energy and shadowbox.

godgrinder 9/20/2008 12:50:55 PM

I post on Lambgoat. I hope this tour full of scene gays triple flips on their scene gay asses with spill their scene gay gear all over a road full of dead scene gays. gay.

xTURDx 9/20/2008 7:06:43 PM

A date in Berryville, VA? A hell of a tour, gentlemen.

severedintwo 9/20/2008 8:08:45 PM

these bands need to give up writing shitty music

cantfakethepunk 9/21/2008 11:11:44 PM

guuud duuuuuudes herre! no BR date :(

horrorcosmic 9/22/2008 12:49:37 AM

Talent! Rag on them, quick!

xxscenefagmusicxx 9/23/2008 9:01:41 AM

shit tour of quite possibly the shittiest towns in America.

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