Post CommentKataklysm announces headlining tour where they'll be upstaged by Dying Fetus every night.
yeah, it's hard to play after Fetus. I saw them open for Fetus once and they did good. Then Fetus killed and blew Hate Eternal off the stage.
Eluveitie is gonna stick out like a sore thumb here.
WOW what a great fcking tour motherfcker!!!!
Damn KEEP and DYING FETUS. Elucldjdkjdlac;l is pretty weak they should've got Equillibrium. WAY heavier.
i'm hoping this comes to Arizona. please.
Terrible live band brings other terrible live bands out on tour - greaaaaaaat...
News-only gays with a shitty taste in live bands and an axe of furious angst to grind are stoked ... or so says my newest profile comment. lol.
fck everyband on this but Kataklysm. Kataklysm rules :)
Seriously? Dying Fetus is supporting Kataklysm? Who influenced who now now. Kataklysm should bow their heads in shame for trying to outdo the Fetus.
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fck yeah motherfcker