Post CommentTerrible terrible gay bands. Tourflip.
7/23....jesus, thats like the 10th shitty show in a row for that place.
what in fcks name does abcabb stand for. prolly some long ass band name right
abacabb has something to do with mortal combat i forget
who the fck cares what it stands for. what it really means is that this tour and all these band are shitty as fck
Woodshatter 7/1/2008 10:42:53 PM Thank god the east coast is saved from this shit. -----AMEN!
its ABACABB and that band is fcking sick!! cant wait for this show.
thats fcking right, stay the fck outta michigan.
ABACABB sucks balls, tyler greene is a no talent gay, and don't get me started on the piece of shit they call a bass player.
This sounds gay! Glad there is no east coast dates though =)
A-B-A-C-A-B-B-START is the blood code for mortal kombat. no one knows that? shit!
See you guys say the East coast is safe but Waking the Cadaver's from fckin Jersey!!! and they're the most gay ass band alive!! Bong rip brutatlity???ABACABB, THE rearYST, and CHOLERA Pretty much own this shit. I'll be there on 7/29.
i wish waking the cadaver would come to Tampa so i could tell them personally how much i dislike their music...and then laugh and say "I'm just kidding," but really mean it.
The rearyst is bad as fck, you are tards and I fcked all your mothers, raw.
yeah dumbfcks book around the midwest when warped tour and ROBOT MOSH FEST will be in Wisconsin.
xBEARFIGHTx 7/2/2008 11:25:26 AM See you guys say the East coast is safe but Waking the Cadaver's from fckin Jersey!!! ... im from jersey...they NEVER play here and pretty much everyone in jersey says they are an embarrassment to the state.
I pray Dan Moody kills everyone in Waking the Cadaver, or there van catches on fire with them in it.
A-B-A-C-A-B-B-START is the blood code for mortal kombat. no one knows that? shit! ITS ACTUALLY THE NAME OF A GENESIS ALBUM.
fck waking the cadaver. all of them are gays. i fcked the guitar players girlfriend. im actually going to fight everyone of them when they play VA.
I'd rather chop my dick off and shove up my own ass than listen to one song by WTC. Kill yourselves gays
^ 2 dudes above me are as gay as WTC gay ass bitches.
WTC need to eat several bullets. Stay at fat daddys, that venue is fcking garbage anyway.
danmoodysmonstermomma eats the c-ck, all day everyday. get railed.
The show on the 21st in Springfield Missouri is at a venue called Billiard's Blue Room, I booked the show, so feel free to change it, It is not at sparrows
Lake Station Eagles? has there ever been a shittier venue? Whoever runs that hell hole needs to die! He keeps fcking over all the bands...what a turd ass tour for a bunch of turd ass bands!
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Thank god the east coast is saved from this shit.