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Relapse Goats

_steelpanda_ 1/13/2022 8:46:30 AM
Any y'all every done this? I relapsed Tuesday, would have had 11 years sobriety this March, but drank a half liter of crown. Now it's back to AA, get that white chip again today. Fun times

butlerianjihad 1/13/2022 8:47:14 AM
Kinda stopped paying attention around the time they signed "facedowninshit"

withdeadhandsrising 1/13/2022 8:47:34 AM
can't say i can relate but i wish you the best of luck

simon_belmont 1/13/2022 8:48:03 AM
Bummer man. What caused the relapse?

pastaman 1/13/2022 8:48:32 AM
good luck dawg i'll probably go to aa in like 10 years

butlerianjihad 1/13/2022 8:48:33 AM
The signing of facedowninshit?

skinsuit 1/13/2022 8:48:53 AM
Be sure to smash some chicks wh ile in AA tho.

skinsuit 1/13/2022 8:49:04 AM
butlerianjihad 20 seconds ago The signing of facedowninshit? lol

theocean 1/13/2022 8:49:18 AM
i havent done hard drugs in 7ish years do you have any?

evil_hero 1/13/2022 8:49:40 AM
AA is a great place to meet women!

evil_hero 1/13/2022 8:50:27 AM
wasnt tuesday the day you were reliving your benzo fueled webcam jack seshes

butlerianjihad 1/13/2022 8:50:57 AM

explosions_in_this_guy 1/13/2022 8:52:00 AM

evil_hero 1/13/2022 8:52:39 AM
lol butler. i love you man. low key favorite goater

Barbara 1/13/2022 8:55:23 AM
if you need a sponsor I can set you up with Raid: Shadow Legends