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Oh god this is soooooooooooo embarrassing

Serious 12/17/2021 12:53:42 PM
Mmmhhmmm I walk out my door on the way to interview #15 this week, working as a regional janitorial manager for McDonald's, when all of a sudden I step in a hyuuuuuge pile of dog shit. Like, massive. I'm already running 10 minutes late because I accidentally pissed my first pair of pants, so I don't have time to clean it off. I high tail it in my 1997 Purple Ford Escort to the job, shit still caked all over my foot. As I get out of the car and shit the door, it catches my suit coat in the door and rips it. I say screw it, I'll take it off and forget about it. That's when I realize I had massive yellow pit stains on my white dress shit. I go to open the car door and realize I locked my keys in there. I just say screw it and go for the interview. I step through the door, completely missing the sign that said wet floor, and wiped out. As I was falling in slow motion, my dog shit shoe flew off in a random direction. I sit there and groan for a moment and when I get up, I see the shoe hit the hiring manager in the face and was slowly sliding down his scowling face. He said to me "you son of a bitch, you've got guts coming in here like that and making a unique impression. You're hired!" Or we'll, I think he said that. As he started saying "you're hired" he must have swallowed a piece of shit off my shoe because he chocked and died on the spot. Now I'm back home, still with no job.

Barbara 12/17/2021 12:55:06 PM

skinsuit 12/17/2021 12:55:35 PM

VodkaVeins 12/17/2021 12:57:21 PM
Man, you havent even been accidentally funny once...

_d0thack_ 12/17/2021 1:03:25 PM
Dwep Give it up.

Inkongudunk 12/17/2021 1:22:07 PM
Really bad.