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Dave Chappelle new Netflix standup

Spork 10/6/2021 1:53:33 PM
It sucks

BULLHEAD 10/6/2021 1:54:36 PM
not surprised

jimbo 10/6/2021 1:55:57 PM
BULLHEAD 52 seconds ago not surprised

rick_tocchet 10/6/2021 2:02:06 PM
He went all BLM and forgot where he made all his money.

BULLHEAD 10/6/2021 2:03:08 PM
pretty sure he's always been pro-black people

Barbara 10/6/2021 2:14:39 PM
rick_tocchet 11 minutes ago He went all BLM and forgot where he made all his money. impossible since the jews control the media as well??

Spork 10/6/2021 2:29:14 PM
I thought the last ones were pretty funny. This one is just expanding on those and constant quotes and references to them.

easyhateoven 10/6/2021 5:31:58 PM
i turned it off halfway through. he was funnier in the 90s/early 00s before he went crazy and then turned into a black ninja turtle

AnalButt 10/6/2021 5:33:33 PM
There were really funny parts but the whole thing came off as a drunk lecture by your favorite professor

666pack 10/6/2021 5:58:23 PM
AnalButt 22 minutes ago There were really funny parts but the whole thing came off as a drunk lecture by your favorite professor That is a really good way to put it