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First time poster, long time reader...

arkansanpolarbearheater 9/1/2021 10:28:09 AM
easyhateoven 15 minutes ago lurkcity pt 2? butlerianjihad 13 minutes ago Nice try, trind Nope

simon_belmont 9/1/2021 10:28:59 AM
I like him already

butlerianjihad 9/1/2021 10:29:06 AM
Just what lurkcity or Trind would say...🥫🥫🥫🥫

foulmouth 9/1/2021 10:31:47 AM
explain to me why you made this post. you consciously hit every single keystroke and what came out was utter excrement. why did you not stop and say "what the hell am i doing with my life" in the time you made that post you could have pulled a gun trigger several times and ended your life creating a more positive result than the posting of this thread. please, ingest some poisonous substances, or perhaps an explosive, or a bladed object. whatever it takes to sever your innards and cause you to die by internal bleeding or toxic shock. please consider slamming your face into your keyboard, if you were to break both we'd be sure you never again posted. throw yourself into a hurricane or a twister, let your body be torn asunder by high speed winds and the objects they carry, or maybe you could fling your torso into a spinning fan blade. have you ever pondered overdosing on a controlled substance, tranquilizers perhaps? thanks for reading, f*cko

arkansanpolarbearheater 9/1/2021 10:32:39 AM
butlerianjihad 2 minutes ago Just what lurkcity or Trind would say...🥫🥫🥫🥫 Yeah but I don't think they would ever say "just got off work and making breakfast"

jimbo 9/1/2021 10:35:30 AM
not sure about this guy

Portslob 9/1/2021 10:37:28 AM
f*ck him

ShaolinLambKiller 9/1/2021 10:38:06 AM
what a f*cking disgusting piece of shit.

arkansanpolarbearheater 9/1/2021 10:39:17 AM
Shit. Sorry

butlerianjihad 9/1/2021 10:40:30 AM
You have a point, also I have no clue why the 🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫

easyhateoven 9/1/2021 10:43:29 AM
how do you feel about bacon shoes and pork chops?

arkansanpolarbearheater 9/1/2021 10:53:18 AM

ej 9/1/2021 10:55:18 AM
what's the best college major (besides football degree)

arkansanpolarbearheater 9/1/2021 10:57:36 AM
ShaolinLambKiller 38 minutes ago reddit ass sagea f*ck I hate reddit. And pedophiles for that matter.

ShaolinLambKiller 9/1/2021 10:57:49 AM
long time reader my f*cking ass.