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First time poster, long time reader...

arkansanpolarbearheater 9/1/2021 10:10:32 AM
...of the message board. Occasional anonymous commenter on news articles about shitty bands. Thought about creating an account before but always felt weird about it after chonging. Sorry for the shit post.

BULLHEAD 9/1/2021 10:10:56 AM
how's it going, buddy?

easyhateoven 9/1/2021 10:11:39 AM
lurkcity pt 2?

butlerianjihad 9/1/2021 10:12:56 AM
Nice try, trind

carveyournamein 9/1/2021 10:13:02 AM

BULLHEAD 9/1/2021 10:14:16 AM
the more the merrier. that's what i always say

ej 9/1/2021 10:16:55 AM
the guys here love emojis so make sure to use them often

ShaolinLambKiller 9/1/2021 10:18:05 AM
f*ck you get killed.

ShaolinLambKiller 9/1/2021 10:18:17 AM
reddit ass sagea f*ck

ShaolinLambKiller 9/1/2021 10:18:29 AM
splitface pedophile.

butlerianjihad 9/1/2021 10:19:01 AM
🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫 XDISCOUNT_CAN_BEATDOWNX

ej 9/1/2021 10:19:38 AM
this is SLK ^^^ he's a real go getter

ShaolinLambKiller 9/1/2021 10:25:34 AM
f*ck you

easyhateoven 9/1/2021 10:26:02 AM

arkansanpolarbearheater 9/1/2021 10:26:49 AM
BULLHEAD 5 minutes ago how's it going, buddy? Good, just got off work and making breakfast. You?