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Crime Scene / Murder Photos

Bortslob 3 days ago
Ed money definitely has a mannequin in his home

nothinlefttogive 3 days ago
I have a few good friends who work Servpro-type jobs (which can include crime scene & death scene cleanups, depending among contracts). Those guys have some fukkin stories...and most are very underpaid.

rick_tocchet 3 days ago
Fuuuuck that

B__DAWG 3 days ago
you gotta be a sicko if you do that job

rick_tocchet 3 days ago
Do you have your own spatula and dust pan to pick up gooey remains of leaking anal holes? Or do you share a set with your co workers?

B__DAWG 3 days ago
i saw some of that Dexter show

nothinlefttogive 3 days ago
The dudes are pretty well-provisioned by their employers. One of my bandmates has been at it for like 15 years. He's cleaned up after suicides & attempts, he's sprayed peoples brains off the roads, shit like that. Oddly enough, it seems hoarders (alive or dead) generate the worst hazmats.

Bortslob 3 days ago
My buddy used to work construction, and his boss asked him if he'd help with a side job, and that he would pay him double.. The job was to clean out and demo his hoarder mother in laws house.. My buddy says he still has nightmares about it

nothinlefttogive 3 days ago
Apparently dying alone is filthy business. I think I'll go into a home where I can sexually harass the workers.

nothinlefttogive 3 days ago
Hoarders really are the worst. The living ones are way worse than the dead ones. You can throw away the dead ones' garbage. The alive ones get really upset at the prospect of losing those newspapers from 1977.

B__DAWG 2 days ago
i worked at this shithole factory for the summer when i was probably 17 and this other teen that worked there got his leg twisted off. they melted down roof shingles in this big smelter thing.....they'd go up this big conveyer belt and the kids job was to watch it to make sure they didn't fall off or something. he was a dumb f*ck so shingle watchin' was the only job he could do. he was sitting in a chair with his feet up on near the belt and i guess it caught his leg and twisted it around a bunch of times and pulled him up in the belt. i heard all the commotion so i came over and his leg was f*cking mangled. they had to amputate it and i assume the place got in big trouble,

B__DAWG 2 days ago
that was probably the GROSSEST thing i've seen. at least until the unfortunate day i accidentally clicked on a VANFLIP video podcast

nothinlefttogive 2 days ago
I got another friend who worked in a FedEx warehouse where one guy apparently got ate by a conveyor. He said they have their internal folks clean that shit up after the official stuff is all set.

B__DAWG 2 days ago
they need to ban conveyer belts

B__DAWG 2 days ago
you ever see any LATHE accidents?