nofx - the decline
vagisilcreem 4 days ago
Ive been blasting this for 25+ years. Sar them play this in a live setting 2009-ish. Might be my fav recording ever.
f28r06a42n12k 4 days ago
My roommate was supposed to wake me up to go see them that tour, but he didn't. So I woke up to him and some friends coming in raving about how they played the decline so I was super sad like a little girl
B__DAWG 4 days ago
this was well past the point of me giving the slightest shit about them. never heard it
simon_belmont 4 days ago
Personally, I think this band STINKS. I like the Shai Hulud cover of that one song though.
B__DAWG 4 days ago
i know enough to know The Decline is like a 20 minute song. there's no way i'm listening to a 20 minute nofx song
VodkaVeins 4 days ago
Saw them play The Decline, So Long And Thanks For All The Shoes and every other song i know from them on their farewell tour.
Not super into NoFX, but that was a GOOD show.