Got Jury Duty on Monday
simon_belmont 5 days ago
There better be free coffee involved. The New Haven courts always had free coffee
simon_belmont 5 days ago
New Haven had the real deal. A couple brewed pots going. I've never been in Albany, but I'm going in with low expectations.
nothinlefttogive 5 days ago
I got a federal jury summons at my ex-MiL's house recently. I skipped that shit, i don't live there anymore. I had also served on a jury within the requisite 3 years for exemption. I frequently get picked for my impartiality & knowledge of the law. Imagine that?
May the coffee be fresh, belmont. Bless.
simon_belmont 5 days ago
Not that often. Once in a while. My job has a day where we go and they set us up in one of those vip things and give us shitty food and beer. So I'm like required to go at least once a year.