Do I want Peruvian food? Or pizza/Italian?
B__DAWG 5 days ago
i used to live by a Senegalese restaurant and i'd eat there all the time. so exotic
nothinlefttogive 5 days ago
It's pretty cool actually. They've got some kinda Asian fusion stuff going on due to trade routes back in the day or some shit. They also just dump good beef over french fries & veggies. It's remarkably good. They got this yellow sauce called "aji" that's super fukkin tasty as well.
nothinlefttogive 5 days ago
Of course, we also have fantastic pizza locally, which just makes every "going out for food" decision at least a little more complicated.
Bortslob 5 days ago
B__DAWG 23 minutes ago
might be good
I ate one down there. It didn't taste so good to me, not terrible just not great. Lots of small bones