Oh god this is so embarrassing
straightedgehack 43 days ago
You're a straight up bitch homie.
You can have this thread sagea. I'm outta this one.
Inkongudunk 43 days ago
Racial slurs, fake ebonics, carries guns all the time, thinks "burner accounts" are targeting him, drunk 24/7, threatening to come to Cali, and wants me shot
Please ban, lurk
VodkaVeins 43 days ago
easyhateoven 7 minutes ago
not even close, pal
Don't tell me you DON'T like Suicide Note, though...
lurkcity 43 days ago
straightedgehack 56 minutes ago
Lurk, you're so thin skinned you bought a website to specifically ban a poster that hurt your feelings.
Get off my sick.
if that were the case lil bitch you would be gone. you dont remember all the times you brought up my dead mom to try and get under my skin? you act all tough and puff that hairless chest out you have and then almost directly after you cower and curl up into a fetal ball and say sorry.
you are a straight up little bitch. that is all. i keep you around because you are the new trind. f*cking idiot lol.
lurkcity 43 days ago
we may not need both honestly. no one even noticed when either are gone. i think that is the thing that rubs them the wrong way, hence why they constantly come back and add zero value to any thread or the board in general.