Oh god this is so embarrassing
Serious 41 days ago
I've become a shut in and haven't left my house in weeks because I work remotely as a janitorial supply coordinator.
I've been living off door dashed chicken nuggets and meta moon prime. The last time I ate fruit I got food poisoning from a banana and I haven't eaten it since.
On the plus side, I've saved a ton of money and bought a ps5 pro that I use to play Legend of Dragoon. I've got like 75+ hours in during the past week.
Serious 41 days ago
Also, before you joke, yes I'm fat now. I'm currently pushing 350 and have gained like 175 lbs in the past 2 years .
speedster_caesar 41 days ago
We need more info about your shitting habits and stories about meeting women on yahoo games
VodkaVeins 40 days ago
straightedgehack 19 hours ago
I own 3 guns.
One is in my house.
One is in my truck.
And one is in my possession at all times
straightedgehack 40 days ago
Next time I'm in Cali I will
Give me your number and I'll call you when I get there.