scissors7 69 days ago
Today/Tonight - WFH, nothing after work
Saturday - dump, chores, errands
Sunday - Church
Xchimp_chamberX 69 days ago
i just farted and it smells like natural gas so probably having my asshole protected by the CIA
PenicillinTrapdoor 69 days ago
Well I was gonna go with a lady friend to see Nosferatu on Saturday but it doesn't look like our theater is ever even gonna be showing it. Gaaaaayyyy.
plaguestricken 69 days ago
Today- buy a projector after work for my band's show tomorrow night
Saturday- playing a show w/ my band
Sunday- recouping from playing a show w/ my band the previous night
Xchimp_chamberX 69 days ago
d0t was murdered last night because of "Wade" and missed work today but he'll be back tomorrow, he promises. April 11th at the Cow Palace.