plaguestricken 11/17/2023 7:48:51 AM
I wanna stay home and play video games all weekend. Maybe try to save some f*cking money for once.
PoultryInMotion 11/17/2023 7:58:05 AM
goatwhore tonight, work tomorrow, thats bout it. i'll be at the bar all day sunday
Bortslob 11/17/2023 8:14:12 AM
I have zero obligations this weekend. Pretty psyched about that. I'll probably get f*cked up and watch sports!
PenicillinTrapdoor 11/17/2023 9:30:24 AM
Also gonna try to save money. Keep it tame tonight. Clean my place and get stoned. Hopefully find a place that has the Hawks game on at 3 tomorrow so I can day drink like a boss. Probably nothing on Sunday.