Lurk Dumb-dumb™
nothinlefttogive 7/11/2022 8:07:50 AM
Yup. This is the beginning of the end, bitchboi!
*makes hand motion for finishing move*
*pokes self in eye*
evil_hero 7/11/2022 8:08:04 AM
he'll be damn lucky if i ever post another news comment on this gay site. whats dylans user name is he one of these rudeboys or sporks or whatever that popped up recently? buncha faqgs
lurkcity 7/11/2022 8:17:24 AM
evil_hero 8 minutes ago
he'll be damn lucky if i ever post another news comment on this gay site. whats dylans user name is he one of these rudeboys or sporks or whatever that popped up recently? buncha faqgs
RAGINGFUCKMAN 7/11/2022 8:58:31 AM
Your friends are fῡcking fἀggots like, you bud. No one cares about those retards.
This site ain't gonna make it to next year lmao
RAGINGFUCKMAN 7/11/2022 9:00:25 AM
I'm gonna lol when all of you kill yourselves from driving this into the ground, mostly because you're a disgusting piece of human filth.
lurkcity 8/21/2022 10:18:22 AM
btw eh, cause I know you still live on the board like it's your life… tower is also one of you that comes here to comment anon but forgets he has commented logged in as well before.