bummed i cant post delete on webmasters news item about the site
butlerianjihad 7/10/2022 10:05:54 PM
It is with a tear in my eye and my son on my lap reading posts about penis and vagina smell? On a hardcore/metal forum?
Qiang 7/11/2022 7:37:44 AM
To be honest, I am not surprised Alex retired from doing this, if I were him, I would have PTSD dealing with most of you negative assholes.
evil_hero 7/11/2022 8:09:42 AM
Qiang 31 minutes ago
To be honest, I am not surprised Alex retired from doing this, if I were him, I would have PTSD dealing with most of you negative assholes.
thats because youre a f*cking pussy ass bitch that gets affected by words on a screen
Barbara 7/11/2022 8:44:09 AM
Since there was a 9month lead up why didn't you drop new content with the announcement? Something that shows the new direction. I swear you got all of your marketing tips from Sidney Powell
evil_hero 7/11/2022 8:46:06 AM
im not long for this new board if lurk and ej are the top posters of the day