name the best movies you can think of
Zordon 6/25/2022 7:25:42 PM
ok ill start
predator 1+2
jurassic park
terminator 2
alien 1+2
taxi driver
the thing
total recall
lord of the rings
nightmare on elmstreet 1+3
the big lebowski
the good the bad the ugly
mad max: fury road
rambo 1+2
the matrix
2001 a space odyssey
the shining
silence of the lambs
blade runner
one flew over the cuckoos nest
pulp fiction
clockwork orange
apocolypse now
the exorcist
the godfather
raging bull
no country for old men
there will be blood
back to the future
the green mile
shawshank redemption
seven samurai
big money hustlas
Zordon 6/25/2022 7:25:59 PM
ok those are all the good movies i can think of i think that might be all of them
jimbo 6/25/2022 7:30:46 PM
top gun maverick
there will be blood
hot tub time machine
Hustle (Adam Sandler)
jimbo 6/25/2022 7:34:32 PM
i was actually thinking about how good hell or high water is earlier today, add that one too
iwilladapt 6/25/2022 8:27:26 PM
the road warrior > fury road
also terminator 2, but not the terminator?
and godfather, but not godfather pt ii?
B__DAWG 6/26/2022 12:21:27 AM
I was obsessed with Short Circuit when I was a kid too. That shoulder laser was BADASS