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Having an NPV

skinsuit 2/16/2022 11:19:16 AM

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 11:21:21 AM
Yeah yuck it up while you have the chance, you f*cking piece of shit pedophile.

Inkongudunk 2/16/2022 11:22:00 AM
You realize he was doing an "announcer" voice over. And that you didn't recognize that. And that's a little weird that you didn't notice it was a character voice, and it's also weird you immediately associated it with pedophilia

skinsuit 2/16/2022 11:22:39 AM
Nah, that's the way he actually talks.

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 11:23:06 AM
keep f*cking around, stupid

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 11:23:28 AM
no one cares, all webmaster will do is delete the post. never f*cking forget i can ruin your entire miserable life in less than a day.

dayman 2/16/2022 11:23:35 AM

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 11:24:23 AM
im only being so polite about it since you're clearly f*cking retarded but it's time your handlers remove you from the f*ckin computer

skinsuit 2/16/2022 11:24:41 AM
No you can't, and you think you're clever posting from another account. But you will get what's rightfully yours, don't worry.

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 11:25:40 AM
Keep doubting it. You're gonna have to find a new home, moving for the first time since 2003... damn thats a struggle bro.

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 11:26:02 AM
Really, don't make me f*ck your shit up so bad you finally get the balls to commit suicide. just f*cking leave, for like a month, without being frozen.

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 11:27:50 AM
if you haven't noticed, and i doubt you have because you're a f*cking idiot, I have been very patient about this. for months I told you to leave and get away from the board, travel, do something other than cry. but you thought all it would be was the typical names. Let me ask you, remember when I accidentally posted your street name thinking it was your therapists street... you shut up real quick there. And then cried like a f*cking baby when you were unmasked. Did you have a stroke when that happened? If you have strokes from this I'll leave you alone, you are a piece of shit in his 40's with all kinds of issues and your physical health might actually be failing, since you're a waste.

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 11:28:50 AM
Or a panic attack? You have a history of strokes? If you have some medical condition where if I do what I do causes you shock and you f*cking croak, I may reconsider. if you tell me you're healthy and keep being a shit mouth, I hope you know it's gonna suck..

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 11:28:56 AM
just fair warning

skinsuit 2/16/2022 11:29:48 AM
Yeah. That's four posts in a row I'm not gonna read. SOrry, buddy.