Brian Posehn interview
Post Comment"Like the Blink 182s of metal, you know, Avenged Sevenfold, Atreyu, or Gaytreyu. See what I did? I'm clever." lol
Iron Maiden changed my life. Pig Destroyer changed my life.
fantastic interview. I'm buying his record tomorrow. If I had any confidance in my wife getting the right one, I'd send her to the store right now, as I'm stuck at work! Awesome!
"Yeah, yeah, they're all mad about something while I'm trying to screw this girl in my apartment. With my wife, I would never. She doesn't like the really heavy stuff. So I could probably put it in her to Scorpions but if I put on Sepultura she'll go, "what are you doing?"......... hahahahahahaha. this guy rules. awesome interview.
wait a second.. he likes slipknot but not meshuggah.. um. alright..
great interview. Mr. Show alone nets anyone thousands of awesome points.
sucks the interview got cut off or whatever, but whats left of it was awesome
Yeah, and you have to keep this Mustaine quote in mind if you have to answer the question Mustaine VS. Hetfield. Okay, so what am I answering? Who is the better of the two? Okay, I would much rather hang out with Dave Mustaine. hahahaha
Holy shit, thats the longest interview in the history of LG.
Good interview but SOOOOOOOOO anitclimactic. Lousy technical difficulties
By the way, did you ask him who the biggest hack comedians are?
i did ask him who the biggest hack comedians are. he told me that he doesnt really care about who supposedly sucks or whatever so long as they aren't stealing his material. he even talked about how larry the cable guy puts a lot of hard work into what he does, even if most people think he's retarded. thats basically what he said regarding the issue i guess
good f*cking read, i laughed more than once.
oh and thank you for the 3 south question. loved that show. someone start a petition.
good interview, fun read... but if he claims he doesn't like 'metal by numbers' and then talks about how his music needs to adhere to a certain formula. just seems kinda hypocritic
it's not hypocritical in the least. he's saying he prefers traditional song structures to the rapid blast beats of grindcore or the disorganization of spastic metalcore or something. he's criticizing bands that go "heavy verse, clean sung bridge, melodic chorus, brutal breakdown, heavy verse...."