Cannibal Corpse interview
Post CommentDrew Ailes writes the best interviews, great job Drew!
unproffesional, childish questions. Get rid of this kid.
Alex is easily one of the best bass players in metal, and oobviously a really nice guy. Good interview, although it should have been longer, and maybe with more band members contributing.
yes, how dare someone take a nonsensical approach to an interview with a band who has album art featuring a male zombie eating out an eviscerated female zombie. fire him at once.
What happens when you guys go to family reunions and things of that nature? Do you have Aunts and Uncles come up to you and talk about how "Addicted to creasel Skin" was the song that really made them warm up to your music? best question of all time hahahaha
this is probably the only Drew interview i thoroughly enjoyed and that's probably because half if not more of the questions came from specific lambgoaters.
the only questions that came from goaters were the one of the 47 year old masturbating, the cover art question, and the question about the new album. so thanks
!st part of the interview is good and was crap......its like you free-based crack and was reverted to being a 12yr old kid WTF....Next time you get an opportunity like this you may want to think about what youre readers wanna hear not giving youre f*ckin boys shot outs
this interview f*cken sucked . . .
90% of you homos who complained about this interview are pussies who wont come to the messageboard and air out your panties. I thought it was sweet.
Aha, the Don Decker shout out is hilarious. I heard that rumor about the Angel Corpse dude too. Entertaining interview.
Will's parents still let him attend a Cannibal Corpse show later that year where he sung into the microphone during "Devoured By Vermin." This was his greatest achievement in life, which he actually put on a f*cking resume for a job. I laughed so f*cking hard. Brilliant interview.
those questions were so f*cking stupid but funny.
"Isn't Glen Benton supposed to have killed himself by now?" ahhhhhahahahahaha
Shout out your boys all you want. I didnt know about what Jason did, thats f*cking cool. f*ck. i thought you would conduct c*nt-y interviews. But I am impressed.
f*ck Cannible corpse and f*ck this interview
Drew asked great questions and this guy hardly said anything cool. That's what you get for interviewing the bass player.