FeaturesDecember 23, 201317,841 views

Lionheart "LHHC" video premiere

Lionheart debuts their music video for "LHHC," a track from their forthcoming album.


As we recently told you, North California hardcore/metal unit Lionheart will release their next album on January 14 via Fast Break! Records (you can pre-order it now via iTunes or All In Merch). The effort is titled 'Welcome To The West Coast' and today we're pleased to premiere a music video for a track from the outing titled "LHHC."

Here's a statement from vocalist Rob Watson about the song and video:

"We've been lucky enough to tour with bands we grew up listening to, see the world, and meet some great people along the way. That being said, none of that would've happened without the support we received from the people at home, and that's what this song is about. This band isn't our job, our career, or anything other than something we do because we enjoy playing shows, and we're grateful that the shows at home still go off.

"There's a ton of awesome bands, of all different styles, coming out of Northern CA right now from the East Bay, to San Jose, to the Central Valley, and up to Sacramento. Whether you're into our band or not, check the list at the end of the video of all the bands coming out of Northern California right now. We're proud of where we're from, and proud of all the bands out here that make Northern Ca what it is today."

Alright, you've read enough. Check it out!

Tags: Lionheart


Post Comment
anonymous 12/23/2013 10:20:29 AM

I can't believe this is a real song. Soft as f*ck. Sold the f*ck out. Extremely dissapointed. Have fun touring with betrayal gays.

anonymous 12/23/2013 10:26:59 AM

^^In betrayal Never cared much for this band, but that was actually rad. Wish more bands would take their heads out of their asses and do some shit like this. Respect.

anonymous 12/23/2013 10:32:01 AM

These sageas is catchy. I dont wanna like it but i like it. f*ck all the sour ass sword swallowers on here that are gonna cry about this. More bands should do this. I want a free show and bbq.

anonymous 12/23/2013 10:54:42 AM

embarrassed this band is from norcal. sick riffs, stupid ass lyrics. "what you banging?" thats f*ckin stupid rob... you're white.

anonymous 12/23/2013 10:58:23 AM

lyrics taken straight from the band's wikipedia page

anonymous 12/23/2013 11:05:25 AM

Stoked. Never even met them and they put my band in the shout outs in the end. Bay haters are just haters. Straight up. Song rules. LHHC

anonymous 12/23/2013 11:25:05 AM


anonymous 12/23/2013 11:26:45 AM

^^^ You never met them because they don't give a shit about your small band. They probably pulled your name out of a shitty local show and propped it on to get, "local support". Which is smart because it looks like it worked...

anonymous 12/23/2013 11:36:10 AM

Sure are a bunch of shit talkers who wouldn't dare say it to Lionheart faces. f*cking pussies haha. Lionheart is awesome so is this song.

anonymous 12/23/2013 11:57:37 AM

Looks like all the reject Bay Area tuff guyz are out being butthurt on lionheart, as usual. No surprise there. This band has been cool with everyone up here and always stayed out of drama. Haters gonna hate though. I don't see anyone else having free shows and paying for kids food. Talking down on them just looks thirsty. New song goes hard. See you guys at the release show.

anonymous 12/23/2013 11:58:49 AM

The refuge! Miss that place.

anonymous 12/23/2013 12:00:58 PM

Superfans vs gay haters thread flip. STFU. Fury of five is stoked.

anonymous 12/23/2013 12:12:56 PM

Ben Afflec is stoked.

anonymous 12/23/2013 12:22:29 PM

is it just me or is the video quality really shitty? either way northern california r00lz brah.

anonymous 12/23/2013 12:49:04 PM

That shit did not Go Bruh

anonymous 12/23/2013 12:58:46 PM

Shitty elitist dudes in shitty hardcore bands are sad

anonymous 12/23/2013 1:05:00 PM

^^^^^^^^^^^^ 19yr old wanna be rotting out dck riders in the bay are in tears over this.

anonymous 12/23/2013 1:08:58 PM

Lifted trucks are stoked.

anonymous 12/23/2013 4:54:31 PM

Toured with skarhead and bulldoze they showed us the way! f*ck YES. This is perfect. And the reason why I f*cking love HARDCORE. I come home from a long ass shitty day at work and get to listen to this music. LHHC.?

Get_Some 12/23/2013 5:28:07 PM


scrigface 12/23/2013 7:10:40 PM

gay shit for weaklings

anonymous 12/23/2013 9:39:07 PM

Lyrics are lame and riffs are recycled. Kids who just get into hardcore listen to this stuff. Hardly a prominent band in the the LAHC scene.

anonymous 12/23/2013 9:45:54 PM

West Coast Hardcore*

anonymous 12/24/2013 1:26:02 AM

Good thing they aren't a part of the LAHC scene you toolbag.

anonymous 12/24/2013 8:33:29 AM

Undisputed was eh, but this song goes. You'd have to TRY to not vibe to this. I can dig it. And it's something different.

anonymous 12/24/2013 8:41:22 AM

Say what you want, but I don't see another band renting a venue out and paying for food and cooking it for everyone. Every band out there is so quick to talk about hardcore and this and that, but all they want is your merch money. At least these guys gave back to their scene in whatever capacity they could. Props to this band. More bands should do this. Also, Skarhead is stoked.

anonymous 12/24/2013 10:00:56 AM

f*ck it. I'm moshing. Terror is crying that they didn't think of doing this.

anonymous 12/24/2013 10:18:22 AM

hxc 4 lyfe omgzzz i love hxc......ya hardcore. wait....whats hardcore?

anonymous 12/24/2013 11:10:40 AM

ohhhhh shit. Killed it. Solid jam homies.

anonymous 12/24/2013 1:10:45 PM

"but I don't see another band renting a venue out and paying for food and cooking it for everyone." Any time there's a video that's not just footage from a "real show," the band or label is paying for it, and it's usually a free show. Seems the real kicker here was they made food for people there, which probably brought in some extra people.

anonymous 12/24/2013 1:41:16 PM

Ricky Trigga is stoked

anonymous 12/24/2013 2:05:43 PM

Backed. shit's catchy.

anonymous 12/24/2013 6:27:29 PM

I'm sure they're cool guys, but damn their songs are boring as f*ck and the lyrics cheese so hard. Young kids just getting into hardcore should eat this up though.

anonymous 12/25/2013 8:29:45 AM

Lyrics seem cool to me. I like that it's a story, and at least it's just real shit that happened. Better than singing about "loyalty" or "keepin the faith" or "respect" or some gay shit like that. THAT is cheesy. This is different but at least it's honest.

anonymous 12/25/2013 11:24:48 AM

Looks like a zumiez store employee BBQ.

anonymous 12/25/2013 5:55:59 PM


anonymous 12/26/2013 12:18:49 PM

where are these bitch a$$ pussies from again?

anonymous 12/26/2013 12:59:31 PM

^ ladies and gentlemen we have a tuff guy.

anonymous 12/26/2013 1:48:24 PM

9/10. This sh*t bangs. Finally someone singing about something positive and REAL rather than whining about someone "betraying" them. Any band who shows that much love to their scene is good in my book. Saw these guys a few years back in jersey and I'm glad to see they've stepped it up. The trend sucking rotting our dck riders on here need to worry more about getting off tumblr than talking sh*t.

anonymous 12/26/2013 1:51:28 PM

N*gga on the mic up there looking like Ben Afflec. Is "model" the new "fat" in hardcore? Guess I'm late on that.

anonymous 12/26/2013 1:51:28 PM

I've always dug these guys but I don't know about those lyrics. Hopefully the frest of the ep is better. Props to that free show and bbq. Now I'm hungry damnmit.

anonymous 12/26/2013 4:06:28 PM

" Better than singing about "loyalty" or "keepin the faith" or "respect" or some gay shit like that. THAT is cheesy. " That's the rest of their songs.

anonymous 12/27/2013 8:07:23 PM

This is so horrible and corny. It made me embarrassed just watching it. This is one of those songs / videos that come on and someone over hears it and you have to explain to them that isn't what hardcore really sounds like. BTW Obviously Skarhead and Bulldoze didn't show you the way because you sound like shit and you are more generic than hatebreed.

anonymous 12/27/2013 8:11:52 PM

Btw can you please stop with the "HA HA!!" in the songs? You aren't Rob Lind.

anonymous 12/28/2013 2:06:22 AM

Guy above me couldn't be more thirsty. Calm down kid.

anonymous 12/28/2013 2:31:03 AM

Backed. Band clearly just wrote the song to have some fun, obviously not their typical style. The d*ck buffers hating on this are just desperate.

gorillatriscuits 12/28/2013 1:57:58 PM


anonymous 12/28/2013 4:40:59 PM

Horrible song, horrible video. Lots of wigger fans of this band apparently

anonymous 12/28/2013 4:42:33 PM

"HA HA!" "HA HA!" "HA HA!" "HA HA!"

anonymous 12/28/2013 4:43:18 PM

gorillatriscuits go listen to Counterparts you new jack gay

anonymous 12/28/2013 4:45:16 PM

0:58 Ugliest female / shemale in hardcore?

anonymous 12/28/2013 4:47:25 PM

Looks like only the Mexicans showed up because of the food.

anonymous 12/28/2013 9:50:44 PM

Sesame street core

anonymous 12/28/2013 9:53:40 PM

so how much did DMS extort from your band while you "toured" with them?

anonymous 1/1/2014 12:29:25 AM

Who wants to bet the last 7 comments were from the same butthurt nerd?

anonymous 1/1/2014 8:28:13 AM

Into it. Glad they tried something different. Stoked to see them bring some fun into hardcore. All you c-ck smokers whining about this band can calm down. You're just mad they're 3x the size of whatever TUI cover band you're buying eBay merch of right now. Keep keepin the faith gayz.

anonymous 1/1/2014 2:35:04 PM

Song jams. Hell yeah.

anonymous 1/4/2014 8:26:18 AM


anonymous 10/18/2015 7:12:08 PM

We are promise here we are better then you

anonymous 10/18/2015 7:12:59 PM

ecophagy from the future here "your scene is f*cking dead" Xxx