Post CommentNorma Jean and Gaza do not belong in the same sentence
This album is so fantastic. Their subtle use of melody is really great. Band gets better with every release.
"if lined up in a blindfolded hardcore taste-test" go ahead. i'll use my ears
But members of both can be seen in the same city.
if you thought the first Gaza record sounded like Norma Jean, you are f*cking retarded.
Typical scene bullshit band. Dudes that wear tight pants, mascara and like penis are stoked.
shit is so nasty, this album is bummer city though, really sad tones throughout.
k fist of all. these dudes are not "scene" second of all this music is way far beyond ur ego genere bullshit. i dare u to look up the lyrics from this band. they are seriously trying to talk about shit that matters. so f*ck ur dumb asses u cant listen to music. for music. ur all about face value genere bull crap. f*cking consumer americans. god f*ck
i saw them 1nce with annoteatiosn of an autopsry n they succccccd
am I the only one who liked the first album better? sure there's a bit of metalcore in there, but have you EVER heard a more misanthropic album?
Not With All The Hope In The World is a straight up mindf*ck
k fist of all. these dudes are not "scene" second of all this music is way far beyond ur ego genere bullshit. i dare u to look up the lyrics from this band. they are seriously trying to talk about shit that matters. so f*ck ur dumb asses u cant listen to music. for music. ur all about face value genere bull crap. f*cking consumer americans. god f*ck <--------- Dear fellow Lambgoater, Go read a book some time. Sincerely, Ryan Gosling
As I drove by a deer carcass someone had cleanly taken the head off of. I thought of you. I knew you'd find it full of wonder. Someone had desecrated a corpse for a sportless opportunistic skull trophy. That alone is some hillbilly shit. The bigger picture is that we've lost feeling in our left arm. I guess there's no real evidence that we ever had any. These lyrics suck terribly. I mean...OMG I luv this band. Profund lyricz!
Good review, good dudes, good tunes.