As I drove by a deer carcass someone had cleanly taken the head off of.
I thought of you. I knew you'd find it full of wonder.
Someone had desecrated a corpse for a sportless opportunistic skull trophy.
That alone is some hillbilly shit.
The bigger picture is that we've lost feeling in our left arm.
I guess there's no real evidence that we ever had any.
These lyrics suck terribly. I mean...OMG I luv this band. Profund lyricz!
As I drove by a deer carcass someone had cleanly taken the head off of. I thought of you. I knew you'd find it full of wonder. Someone had desecrated a corpse for a sportless opportunistic skull trophy. That alone is some hillbilly shit. The bigger picture is that we've lost feeling in our left arm. I guess there's no real evidence that we ever had any. These lyrics suck terribly. I mean...OMG I luv this band. Profund lyricz!