Post CommentYou gays don't even know what hardcore is. This is the most influencial hardcore record to be released in the last 10 years. These guys, StoneRider and Fight Paris are by far my favorite bands right now and should be yours too.
I take that back. What the f*ck was I thinking signing StoneRider? What a f*cking douchebag I am
it's alright Josh you're not alone, there are tons of gays out there
this record makes me wanna fight people. i like it alot. and way to finally get around to reviewing it considdering it came it in october.
scores is perfect, it's an average record made for a certian crowd.
George bush does not care about soldiers
it's hard to swallow that trustkill once put out records by endeavor, racetraitor/burn it down, harvest, disembodied, and shai hulud. metalcore will be replaced as the "hip shit" in 4 years tops! as diy hardcore/punk rock continues to flurish at bastufft shows. f*ck all of you.
was this a review of the album or the trustkill record label?
I can't believe I missed signing these guys!
Your f*cking reviews don't mean shit to me.
Rick's a really good dude, sucks that this record is sub par.
this one dude on a review site said they sound like Earth Crisis. what a gay this band blows. f*ckin who cares if they got members of that boring ass boner band this is hell. eh trustkill sux.
fightstar are one of the only good signings this label has made in the last few years, replace that with city sleeps or the countless other bullshit.
I love how professional Trustkill is when defending their bands. Holy shit, grow the f*ck up.
first poop