AlbumsNovember 29, 201111,232 views

Deicide The Stench of Redemption

The Stench of Redemption
1. The Stench of Redemption 2. Death to Jesus 3. Desecration 4. Crucified For the Innocence 5. Walk With the Devil in Dreams You Behold 6. Homage to Satan 7. Not of This World 8. Never to Be Seen Again 9. The Lord's Sedition
2006 Earache Records
Our score 9

by Cory

Something odd happened this year when Cannibal Corpse's founding guitarist Jack Owen left the band and joined Deicide. Not only did Cannibal Corpse find new life and release one of their finest albums to date, Deicide's replacement of the Hoffman Brothers with Owen and former Iced Earth guitarist Ralph Santolla brought new life to Deicide's recent lackluster lineup. While I think Corpse made the better record, Deicide deserves a slight edge for death metal comeback of the year, because The Stench of Redemption surpasses even their classic material in terms of quality. While Glen Benton's maniacal ravings might be the heart of Deicide, drummer Steve Asheim has written a slew of excellent songs for this, their eighth studio album (not including the Amon release) and new guitarists Santolla and Owen have overloaded every track with blazing leads and solos. If you're acquainted with Deicide's early material and find yourself not particularly interested in this release, you should definitely reconsider, as this is hardly even the same band. Songs like "Crucified for the Innocence" and "Walk With The Devil In Dreams You Behold" incorporate elements of thrash and even a bit of power metal. Deicide has mutated into an entirely new sort of beast, capable of writing circles around most bands half their age. Of course, Glen Benton's ridiculously anti-religious lyrics are still par for the course and still an acquired taste, but when offered up alongside music this good, they go down a lot smoother. Another way that Deicide recalls Cannibal Corpse, is that both bands have always inspired a very loyal following despite their flaws and shortcomings. It's almost as if the faith these fans have shown has finally been rewarded in 2006, as both bands (particularly Deicide) have stepped up their game further than I personally could have imagined. When I heard the EP released to commemorate 6/6/06, I couldn't believe the quality of the two tracks offered up. Those two tracks were only the beginning, as The Stench of Redemption's ten cuts are each excellent, particularly those I mentioned earlier in addition to the epic closer "The Lord's Sedition," which packs every one of the band's new tricks into six minutes and turns the intensity up to the proverbial "eleven." Heck, there's even a nice little bonus track, the band's cover of Deep Purple's "Black Night." Bottom Line: Despite their notoriety, I've never considered Deicide to be among my favorite death metal bands. With the release of The Stench of Redemption, however, their stock has instantly jumped to the point that no death metal fan, no matter you opinion of their previous work, should ignore The Stench of Redemption. If only they had been releasing records this good for the last fifteen years...


Post Comment
Ash_ 10/17/2006 3:21:49 PM

I was just about to review this and give it the same exact score. well done.

ohgod_ 10/17/2006 3:23:22 PM


burzum_ 10/17/2006 3:27:28 PM

Susuki gave it a definite Vital Remains feel in some parts

ghetto_paul_ 10/17/2006 3:28:36 PM

this album is greatness. I wasn't much of a fan of their previous albums, but this thing is just a beast. one of the best albums of 2006, hands down.

bolognapony_ 10/17/2006 3:38:21 PM

This album shreds.

nightflesh_ 10/17/2006 3:38:28 PM

its a good cd to listen to. I would score this high rating compaired to all of deicide records.

drewcifer_ 10/17/2006 4:09:08 PM

that cover at the end is amazing

deathraceking_ 10/17/2006 4:21:12 PM

great record. big surprise.

carexinxslaughter_ 10/17/2006 4:28:33 PM

this album is awesome!!!!!

Kevin_ 10/17/2006 4:30:56 PM

This is the first Deicide record that I've liked as much as Vital Remains' Dechristianize in a VERY long time. Seriously killer record.

wolfpack_ 10/17/2006 4:43:03 PM

cory your dad just called your mom got shot in the head by a lambgoater...he left a said quit writing reviews or your dad is next on the list!

Mike_ 10/17/2006 5:03:08 PM

Great record. First time Ive really cared about Deicide since 'Once Upon The Cross'.

CuntSnot_ 10/17/2006 5:41:22 PM

not a 9, but a very good album... I always knew Deicide still had it in them...

Matt_ 10/17/2006 6:14:04 PM

Have you actually listened to their first few albums? They are just as good as, if not altogether superior to, The Stench of Redemption.

Gluck_ 10/17/2006 6:14:25 PM

Playing here at a tiny club with Beneath The Massacre next Wednesday, should be great. I love all their records, even the two half-shitty ones. Very impressive album. Asheim is a genius. A gun-toting genius.

anonymous 10/17/2006 6:37:24 PM

that really sucked wolfpack.

Fudge_ 10/17/2006 6:46:53 PM

great review for a great cd. death metal album of the year

postrock_is_dead_ 10/17/2006 7:53:43 PM

TYPO ALERT: "finest slbums to date"

anonymous 10/17/2006 8:06:55 PM

nice review. couldn't agree more

sharkfight_ 10/17/2006 9:23:31 PM

for some reason, i thought lambgoat would trash this because deicide is cool to hate. good thing they didn't. this album slays, hard.

wil_ 10/17/2006 10:36:25 PM

who the hell ever expected this album NOT to suck... not me. Glad they let me down, awesome album! "The Lord's Sedition" may be the best Deicide track ever.

Murph_ 10/17/2006 11:37:20 PM

never had much interest in this stuff at all. most death metal is way too montonously blasty and muddy for my taste. this review definitely sparks my interest though.

mojotfb_ 10/18/2006 2:36:39 AM

Defecate on your book of belief!

fvckyouyoufvckingfvck_ 10/18/2006 11:40:12 AM

This band is one of the most well known death metal bands out there, but I never really got into them. I've seen this album get good reviews on a lot of metal review sites and the people seem to like it just as well. Maybe I'll check this out.

arty_mcfarty_ 10/18/2006 4:26:45 PM

you gave this a 9 and mastodon a 6 i always knew you were a douchebag cory but seriously

xthardingx_ 10/18/2006 4:52:39 PM

yessssssssssss thank you for a good review LG. its about time. this album f*cking shreds. excellent production. 9/10 fits perfectly.

Lohan_ 10/19/2006 1:37:31 AM

yeah, had this for a while now and it f*cking owns!!!The new guitar players in SAntolla and Owen, give this album a killer attack from start to finish

word_ 10/20/2006 12:00:49 AM


anonymous 10/20/2006 10:40:09 AM

this may be a good album but seriously, is everything 9/10 these days jesus

captnigga_ 10/21/2006 3:52:05 AM

good ass album good ass gook food

Dimebag69_ 10/21/2006 1:50:21 PM

A great album for both fans and musicians alike. A lot to rearyze on this one. As some one who owns every Deicide album, I would have to rate this one as 3rd best, behind Deicide and Once upon the Cross, but slightly ahead of Legion. Altough the musicianship on this album far exceeds anything that they have ever done. I consider this album to be the newest Vital Remains more than the latest Deicide.

piecemaker_ 10/22/2006 3:44:17 PM

one of the best cds of the year easily. and i personally think it owns cc's kill.

dicknipper_ 10/23/2006 11:51:14 AM

Glen Benton is a major gayoozie.

WEIGHTSF0OTBALLANDSEX_ 10/25/2006 4:40:18 PM

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE UNITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT LOOSE UNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9/10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A f*ckING 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uffe_ 11/3/2006 11:19:43 PM

Better than their three previous albums, but it's not as good as "Once upon the cross" that in my oppinion is their finest album ever.

Jon_ 8/31/2008 1:22:15 AM

Definitely a must own. Ralph and Jack really gave Deicide a huge twist. The lead's on this album are some of the better one's I've heard in Death Metal lately.