01. Down Not Out MP3
02. Handed To You
03. A.S.
04. Lessons Learned
05. Test of Time
06. Lost For Words
07. New Beginning
08. Giving Up, Giving In
09. Losing Streak
10. Behind The Screen
11. Built To Break
12. Chewed Up, Spit Out
13. Voices In My Head
14. Restless Minds
15. Wasting Away
16. Square One
2006 Bridge Nine Records
by Cory
There's something to be said for hardcore acts more interested in blowing the listener away with their sheer intensity than blowing anyone's mind with technical prowess or style. Outbreak is definitely one of these bands and their latest album Failure is an unrelenting twenty-minute hardcore tour-de-force. Unlike many of their irrepressibly positive contemporaries, Outbreak have consistently focused on the negative side of things and this time have created a concept album of sorts dealing with failure (obviously), resignation and hopelessness. It's not a new concept musically or lyrically, but it's just so well done, I can't help enjoying it.
Fans of fast, pissed-off traditional hardcore will definitely want to check out Outbreak if they haven't already. They play the style exceptionally well and provide all the necessary sing-alongs and mosh parts to assure both a fun listen on CD and suitably wild live show. Ryan O'Connor's vocals should be a drawing point to most listeners, as they are fairly unique for the style, sounding a bit like a cross between Kid Dyamite's Jason Shevchuk and a hardcore version of Joey Vindictive. The relatively high-pitched, sneering delivery could turn off some listeners, but I loved it. The Kid Dynamite comparison spreads into the music a bit too, but more in delivery than songwriting, as there is precious little melody in these sixteen tracks.
Despite my previous statement that failure was no groundbreaking subject for a hardcore band, I think it is interesting to see an active band speak so candidly about the relative futility of what they're doing. It's as if they understand that their hard work and dedication can never truly be rewarded financially, but the album itself is a testament to their endurance in the face of that adversity. Interestingly though, the disc's closer features guest vocals from former Comeback Kid vocalist Scott Wade, who split with his band during the same period he recorded this guest spot. It's a fitting final note for Wade as well as for the album, giving a final concrete example of the sort of resignation the album itself deals with.
Bottom Line: This is a rock solid hardcore record with more than enough listenability to make up for any lapses in innovation. Outbreak have delivered consistently since their debut EP and Failure is no exception. Again, while this record probably won't hold much appeal to someone without a strong inclination towards hardcore, it should definitely satisfy any fan of the genre.
Post Comment
7/22/2006 11:02:01 PM
7/10 is fair. Fun band live, good dudes.
7/22/2006 11:44:04 PM
f*cking intense album...just picked it up today, nothing's changed, just great hardcore
7/23/2006 1:48:03 AM
good album. not as good as the previous. but still f*cking solid.
7/23/2006 7:45:30 PM
i loved their last album. this one tho is kinda disappointing. bummer
7/24/2006 5:32:36 PM
Kid Dynamite? More like the Bad Brains. Record is awesome.
7/24/2006 8:02:02 PM
Im pretty disappointed with this CD and it was definitely one of my highly anticipated follow ups...ahha oh well though, still decent, and its not like the band gives a shit what i think anyway.
7/10/2007 9:56:31 AM
f*cking great CD, Intense from A To Z, same formula but great hardcore
I always get the f*cking first post. Anyway, cool Maine band, so-so album