Post CommentDoc hadn't been the drummer for two releases. Oh, and "irelavent." Wow.
when you consider how many albums vader have put out, i still consider "Derek" the new guy. It's only after Doc died that he became the permanant replacement. either way...sorry for any confusion that might cause. I cannot justify the typo, however.
"It's like trying to explain the wonders oftop sirloin and cold beer" - I've got one: f*cking garbage. Are you telling me this album is f*cking garbage? I'm confused.
too low of a score...better than Phobia. this ep makes me f*cking excited for the full length 9/10
"I've learned how hard difficult it is express how something so straight-forward and tested can still be so magnificent" ...watch out, the lambgoat syntax police are gonna hit you bigtime for those errors!
Overall, a sub-par review for a band that has a nearly-flawless discography. This should have been given to a reviewer who not only likes rock-solid, Polish death, but someone who has heard more than just Revelations. As a Vader fan, I learned little from this review.
I think Gluck's comment is the one and only time I'll agree with him. Also as a fan of Vader, this doesn't really tell me anything. 1) it mentions this is the greatest thing since Revelations. Well, that means it's only greater than one other album - The Beast - which was very good and underrated. 2) that is the only other previous recording mentioned. How does this compare to other older releases in the Vader back catalog (which are many in number)?
ash, there was also the beast after revelations. The review is mostly in that second paragraph, it's well produced riff-centric death metal. It's meat and potatoes, but Vader does it very well. I'm wondering what more you need to know.
This isn't bad at all; that double-bass work is insane. Overall a solid effort from Vader, despite the conflict of interest from Ash Levitt vs. Fonzarelli's review.
I didn't think it was that bad of a review, but the only thing i can say is that these veterans deserve more then a 7. This EP is solid throughout, and the 7 just doesn't show that.
Memo: reviewers should not be reviewing other reviewers here. Seriously.
freakyboy, y'know, i never know what to do with the rating systems... It's hard to sum up how good an album is with just a number. But, I feel like a 7 suggests "very good" and that's what this album is - very good, but not great.
Dave, you're right. I forgot about Blood. But there's still a lot more. Webby, relax.
To those who will ask "But what does it sound like," I say - It sounds like Vader...never heard Vader before, throw me a bone, reviewer. Also, *complementing.
Props to lambgoat for the hiring of dave...Im feelin what he is trying to convey here, just remember dave keep your fingers away from the keyboard on these comments, it makes you look like you're offended by them...you're better than everyone. BTW this band is savage.
A 7 is appropriate for this album. Anything more than this would indicate that it is something really special...which it is not. It's an extremely by-the-numbers, while entertaining album. For a really good Vader related album, listen to Head Held High by Nyia.
man, i thought that nyia album was abominable. well, maybe not abominable, but definitely not very good. anyway, dave always does a great job. another thing to note is that reviewing EPs isn't always the easiest thing, considering that usually by the time you blink, theyre over.
people who comment on album reviews = sad fat loners lolpwnt
i'll trade you flee the seen for vader