Post CommentI enjoyed the sample tracks from before and the one linked here. Will definatly pick this up.
I cannot lie - I downloaded this album and I like it a lot more than I thought I would. Lyrically, it's insane. This review doesn't do the record justice.
I am a fan and supporter of Rob Lind and his various musical outlets, but on a few cursory listens, I was not particularly impressed by this album. From the socially extremist lyrics to the butchering of a Beatles tune, Lind seems to have made a variety of miscalculations on this album. He recycles lyrics and keyboard riffs from Blood for Blood, he reuses songs from his previous release and he doesn't bother to get Jake Bannon back to sing on them. I'm going to keep trying to like this record, b
holy long review. just say skinhead band for gays.
What in the hell is so great about Ramallah? Sounds pretty middle of the road. Macaroni sucks without cheese, hardcore does not. Although I must thank Ramallah for that MP3, now I do not need to take my ambien to fall asleep. What year is it again? Lay it on me fellas but I can not stick around I have to go throw-up a few bench presses now.
i'm not that impressed by this record. it has some moments, fun riffs, and clever lyrics. but not an 8. 6/10
you could have done this review without dissing buried alive. death of your perfect world > 95% of hardcore/metal released since, including this album
I am a huge fan of Buried Alive, if you weren't an illiterate hick you wouldn't make assumptions.
ive said it once and ill say it many times again... ramallah is seriously one of the worst bands ive ever heard
"I'd love to detonate a car bomb at the doors of your precious MTV, and put some sarin gas in the central A/C at the VMA's, and watch those beautiful faces turn ashen grey. God will forgive me." -------------- then why have i seen the video on headbangers ball?
death to your perfect world was/is an amazing album. Ramallah is the same washed out bullshit complaining that by this point is so overused it literally makes me physically ill. Only an idiot would give this an 8/10 while disrespecting buried alive.I used to be able to trust lambgoats opinion, but now you bitches give out 8/10 and 9/10 like their f*cking hotcakes. Gluck, you f*ck, your review is a piece of garbage as well.Ramallah is really horrible.
i cant believe your statement on buried alive. f*cking kill yourself.
dude...that one song has a line that says "say na na na"......i mean really.
haha rob you're bugging out on that part ATTN IDIOTS: I love buried alive and saw them 6 times before breaking up, probably more than you. Their subject matter was ultra serious and their songs ultra tight metal...which didn't do very well for them in the scene. BYD were ultra stupid lyrically and musically ultra sloppy...which ended up doing really well for them. The fact that I have to explain to you idiots what I meant shows just how stupid you are. I'm stupid too for responding.
spit my last breath Blood for Blood was by far the best that white trash rob has ever done, and most stuff since has been very mediocore, including this. Probably deserved a 5 or 6. It is actually kind of cheesy. The problem is the review just goes way to overboard and more in depth then needed. Just someone trying to show off there literary skills by drawing needless and vague conclusions.
the song i heard off of this sounded really nu-metal to me and im not down with the sickness only reason byd is doing well is cuz commercialized now if buried alive were still around now they would be up there with them like hmmm whats that other vogel band oh yeah terror
whaaaaaaaaa the record doesnt sound like buried alive whaaaaaaaaa
The new ramallah is amazing...I seriously cannot take it out of my cd player..if you have the first one this one tops it..if you have never heard check this cd out!
this review is f*cking terrible. so is this record. so am i.
For somebody who saw Buried Alive SIX times, I find it comical that they would describe their sound as "ultra tight metal".
Live they were sloppy as hell...but tight as f*ck on record (their only actual record)...BYD are only tight now thanks to pro-tools...from the demo days on record to the Ozzfest days today, they are slop slop slop
whoever wrote that first review.. sorry but i couldn't understand a word you were trying to tell us.. but the mp3 sucked big dck. sounded just like some cheesy nu metal mtv rock band. i didn't even bother with the review.
this sounds like rob zombie. the "hoo ha" part made me laugh out loud.
Buried Alive "attemted to ride the bandwagon"??? Put it this way: BURIED ALIVE > Any hXc band out since the late 90s
The comments section on this site always remind me that hardcore and metal appeal to the lowest common denominator. This CD is way over most of your brainless heads.
I've been listening to this for the past couple of days at work. At first I hated it, now it doesn't bother me as much. I just can't get past all the cheese. "Say nanana", give me a f*ckin break! This is one step away from the crap he is condemning. New ideas don't necessarily translate into good ideas.
Bands like this just don't know when to stop. This review paints Rob Lind as the f*cking John Lennon of hardcore; obviously, he isn't even the John Madden of hardcore. All of this pap and garbage is the reason why hardcore sucks, has sucked and will continue to suck. Grown men wrote this garbage; I lose faith in humanity.
dude you're totally right Buried Alive was obviously trying to cash in with there music, i mean you saw them a whopping six times so i guess you're the expert
i wonder if Rob Lind will tackle the pressing issue of this "sick society" cause that would be pretty ground breaking for him
But a Whimper has sold no where near 15 thousand copies. More like 6
One of the best releases of 2005, plain and simple. 9/10
Whats with all the negativity? OMG it's not a pure 3 chord, breakdown, then sing-along hardcore! Expand your horizons guys. I used to be into that "If it doesnt sound like the exploited or Sheer terror I refuse to listen to it" kind of mentality, but it just limits you. Does that mean I like Artsy-hardcore with the tight jeans? no. But it does mean That I give everything a chance. For those of you who are not from boston, You probably don't know about what blood for blood has done for the scene.
I like it! One of the best Albums i`ve got in the last years. You don`t like it? So don`t buy it - maybee too much reality for some Amerikans. Greets - The Devil is Swiss!
Not one person said anything about members of COLD AS LIFE being in the band!! Come to Detroit and call it mediocre hardcore, I dare you! You'll get stomped before you get to the pit! CTYC
First of all, Cold As Life is sweet and I had the chance to speak with an old member not too long ago. Second of all, point being made towards these "why isn't hardcore more innovative boo hoo" f*cks who complain on how "mediocre" the issues discussed throughout ramallah's songs are. What the f*ck do you expect these new hardcore bands to write about, pretty pink pony's? Hardcore is what it is, postively or negatively. Ramallah seems to choose the more negative approach as do many other of today
this is the shittysest cd of theres yet, keyboards+toughguy hardcore do not mix.
this is a review and a comment, get this cd and do your self a favor, stop listening to the stap shitty hardcore, that lyrically touch on the same topics that and now worn out and tired. Hes almost a one man show with musical simplicity and genius, seriously this is a great album, and if your favorite band is avenged sevenfold, then dont even bother.