Whats with all the negativity? OMG it's not a pure 3 chord, breakdown, then sing-along hardcore! Expand your horizons guys. I used to be into that "If it doesnt sound like the exploited or Sheer terror I refuse to listen to it" kind of mentality, but it just limits you. Does that mean I like Artsy-hardcore with the tight jeans? no. But it does mean That I give everything a chance. For those of you who are not from boston, You probably don't know about what blood for blood has done for the scene.
Whats with all the negativity? OMG it's not a pure 3 chord, breakdown, then sing-along hardcore! Expand your horizons guys. I used to be into that "If it doesnt sound like the exploited or Sheer terror I refuse to listen to it" kind of mentality, but it just limits you. Does that mean I like Artsy-hardcore with the tight jeans? no. But it does mean That I give everything a chance. For those of you who are not from boston, You probably don't know about what blood for blood has done for the scene.