Post Commenta modern day hardcore masterpeice somehow equates an eight out of ten? WHAT?!?!
if any cd deserves a 10 out of 10, this one does.
such a coincidence that i've been seeing modern life is war advertistuffts all over lambgoat and it gets a good review. f*ck your bias. this is the most terrible excuse for a song i've ever heard on this mp3. it's a cookie cutter pop song with a crash ride and yelled vocals.
They stole the show when they were on tour with CBK, Terror, and Sinai Beach.
hey dipshit, there has been plenty of times when they review shitty cds and have had advertisments for them in the past on this site (i.e Diecast). not to matter because i don't really like hardcore, but stop sounding like an idiot.
i've been out of touch with going to shows for awhile, everything is so f*cking divided and the music has really sucked lately (wa wa whine whine i know). but damn this is a record that everyone could and should get behind. this band rules.
great band, great record, bad review... 10/10
haha "f*ck your bias", what the f*ck? f*ck YOUR BIAS LAMBGOAT THIS SONG INCLUDES A CRASH RIDE :(
"this song includes a crash ride" that made me life for realz
Hahahaha, hey, Cory, use, more, commas!
Good review,great band. They have a good future ahead of them
This album is made for people under the age of 20. Sorry thats just the way it is. You can only do so much with this style of music and C.O.S and G.B did that already.
To the writer of the above comment: You have made it apparent that you have yet to hear this album, as it is NOT, in fact, similar to Chain of Strength or the Gorilla Biscuits - in fact, I don't believe in belongs in the realm of "posi" or "youth crew" hardcore whatsoever. In fact, the majority of the album is fairly slow - especially in comparison to the style of the aforementioned bands. MLIW has crafted a mature album that will probably NOT appeal to a younger audience because of their inab
all 3 of there realeases are perfect i f*cking love this band
this band is amazing. any idiot talking shit obviously hasn't given them more than 30 seconds of a listen (although that's all it takes to see how talented and sincere they are). however, i have to say their first 2 records did a f*ck lot more than "show potential."
What ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak english in What?!
man you metal kids are a bunch of bitter f*cks..beleive it or not hardcore can get good reviews too
this album made my boner rip through my pants and hit me in the face. best thing I've heard this year.
sounds like that same ol f*ckign american nightmare style..boring...modern life of shit..for gays who wear girls pants and eyeliner
I can guarantee that the person who made the above comment has not heard the entire album. It's awfully difficult to judge an entire album by one song...
whoever said this is for the trendy kids is full of shit. you look at the band members and you can tell they are all 90s hardcore dudes, with more sincerity than 20 bands can have. and they did steal the show on the terror/comeback kid tour.
it truly blows my f*cking mind that any one is literally mentally retarded enough to say this band is for "girl pant and eye liner kids." you're missing out on one of the best, most sincere bands of this generation because you have your head so far up your ass.
NEW cd - $8.99 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=307&item=4741529830&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW
i actually bought this cd twice, once for myself and once for the biggest most negative jerk twoards this bands review
Awesome cd, Awesome dudes, You haven't lived until you have seen MLIW in a garage full of matresses. Some of the best shows of my life.
horribke emo hardcore bullshit..they need to pick up the f*ckign tempo..and get rid of the gay ass lyrics
horribke emo hardcore bullshit..they need to pick up the f*ckign tempo..and get rid of the gay ass lyrics posted by wolfpack () on 7/14/2005 11:54:41 PM Lyrics = some of the best Ive read/ heard in a long time The Tempo = I love it, I find it makes the music more powerful and awesome Emo? I dont see it... are you sad that you broke up with your gay lover? or are you talking about mliw being emo? I dont hear it in their music so Im just going to assume that you're gaping buttvjayjay
calling this "emo" makes you sound like an ass emo stands for emotive hardcore it was an off shoot of the punk/hardcore movement of the 80's i.e. bands like Rites of Spring and Embrace and you know what thats what makes hardcore great raw emotion, passion, anger and honesty and this album has all of that
fantastic album. review is deadon with its notice of rage and tension estrained. I think that's what makes it such a memorable album for me.
Perfect f*cking album in the history of modern contemporary hardcore
its hott