To the writer of the above comment: You have made it apparent that you have yet to hear this album, as it is NOT, in fact, similar to Chain of Strength or the Gorilla Biscuits - in fact, I don't believe in belongs in the realm of "posi" or "youth crew" hardcore whatsoever. In fact, the majority of the album is fairly slow - especially in comparison to the style of the aforementioned bands. MLIW has crafted a mature album that will probably NOT appeal to a younger audience because of their inab
To the writer of the above comment: You have made it apparent that you have yet to hear this album, as it is NOT, in fact, similar to Chain of Strength or the Gorilla Biscuits - in fact, I don't believe in belongs in the realm of "posi" or "youth crew" hardcore whatsoever. In fact, the majority of the album is fairly slow - especially in comparison to the style of the aforementioned bands. MLIW has crafted a mature album that will probably NOT appeal to a younger audience because of their inab