Post Commentim not going to say it sucks but it certainly isnt for me and it sucks really bad
i got this a month ago and now i dont ever need to buy another cd again. BEST CD EVER
seriously...first you say you've never listened to disembodied, then you say that this garbage should be a 9/10. Its getting harder and harder to trust your reviews....
My official score for this album was a question mark. The "9" was attributed by Mr. Lambgoat himself. If you have an issue with the score, take it up with him. I'd say if we were ranking humorous metal albums, this one would be a 9. I don't compare Billy Madison to Seven Samurai, but enjoy both equally for what they are supposed to be. Get a clue.
Get a clue? What are you my twelve year old sister?
Yes. I am your twelve year old sister. Get a girlfriend so you won't have to come into my room at night and pleasure while I'm asleep. It's creepy, you f*cking loser.
my twelve year old sister should not here this
leave the guy alone. god forbid somebody has a f*cking opinion.
first 3 inches of blood, now this crap? cmon, man. you should know better.
"It's not about reviewing good music, it's about scoring scene points with the labels" - Cory
wow, cory, what an ass. regardless of what anyone thinks of the album, you should have a little more respect for your readership.
Alright everyone I apologize, you were right and I was wrong. But please don't make me give up my scene points.
you guys are all douschebags. if you cant appreciate this album then you are either taking it wayyyyy to seriously or its time to turn in the scene hat and start pimping out your ride. relax.
this the best song ive ever heard. 2 thumbs up!!
the music, no matter what style, is played expertly on this cd. and thats a fact. if you cant accept that then you have no idea what music is. the fact is, the lyrics are funny. so shut the f*ck up
His readership? You only have a select few who actual comprehend what reviews are and what they are meant for. f*ck the stupid little number at the top, all you kids do is compare. "Dude this got a 9 and 'my favorite band' got a 5?" Just read the damn review if you want and make your call, but don't make judgements on scoring when bands are NOTHING alike.
the music, no matter what style, is played expertly on this cd. and thats a fact. if you cant accept that then you have no idea what music is. the fact is, the lyrics are funny. so shut the f*ck up posted by yousuck () on 12/22/2004 5:16:43 PM
definitely a fun and hilarious CD but a few of the songs are just boring. but the last track and "mammal sauce" own all. the mail reading at the end of the CD is worth the money you'd spend on it.
low brow gay humor, it's just as funny as team america world police
Wow, you guys need to get a life. Do you realize your starting an argument over a band called Crotchduster. I could go on, but I have better things to do.
the humor may be childish, and such. but i think it is funny, i would rather listen to this than some wigger in a bandana screaming about scene unity or some fruit in tight pants screaming about some girl cutting herself.
"the humor may be childish, and such. but i think it is funny, i would rather listen to this than some wigger in a bandana screaming about scene unity or some fruit in tight pants screaming about some girl cutting herself." ha ha ha ha!!
The comment about "scene points" wasn't even me. If I wanted to get in good with labels, I wouldn't trash records frequently AND I would probably give their real albums good reviews instead of their fake ones. I thought this shit was funny, and as I stated before, I DID NOT give it a 9. I won't argue with the score it has. Something that makes you laugh can have as much value as something that breaks artistic boundaries.
This is why I hate putting number scores with album reviews. People don't even pay attention to the words, they just bitch about the score. Quit your whining you bitches.
this record is f*ckin' genious. if you don't like this you either a)have no sense of humour or b)don't appreciate pure mu'f*ckin thrashin'.
"low brow gay humor, it's just as funny as team america world police" I second that. If this is genius, then I don't want to have an IQ over 10. I f*cking hate this CD, and this band. Willowtip had been on such a roll before releasing this piece of shit. Humorous metal = needs to die
anyone who shits on this album is a f*cking retard and obviously couldn't make it through more than 10 seconds of a single track. the number of old thrash references and mock covers, and all the death metal rips are f*cking brilliant.
Seeing as how 99% of the kids on this site download their music for free off the internet, I don't think they have any ground to be preaching a band unless they've actually gone out and boughten the record. (This is where everyone responds with a lie about how they buy their stuff)
Boughten is a word... http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=boughten
I pre-ordered this album before it came out on Willowtip, based solely on "Mammal Sauce". This whole album is incredible, hilarious, genius, etc. etc. etc. I suppose if I had the "I believe in REAL metal, REAL metal will never die" bug up my ass, I'd probably be a sissy bitch about this album. f*ck everybody, this album is great and one of my all time favorites.
"low brow gay humor, it's just as funny as team america world police" I second that. If this is genius, then I don't want to have an IQ over 10. I f*cking hate this CD, and this band. Willowtip had been on such a roll before releasing this piece of shit. Humorous metal = needs to die" don't flatter yourself. most of the shitheels who post on here don't have an IQ above one, and are about as open minded as klansman. brilliant album, perfect review. get f*cked if you disagree.
yeah this cd sucks and you gays suck for liking it
Not Kvlt enough for me...No TrOo MetaL!!!...way too...Underground....
only a fat jew cripple could write the best album of 2004. highly original and hilarious.
I don't look to music for humor. no laugh
Yeah, they're talented. Yeah, they mix 50865967 different genres of music seemlessly. I won't deny any of that. It still doesn't amuse me. I listen to rear c*nt if I want a laugh.
i like how heated an argument you can get over a f*cking toilet humor band called crothduster. dumbf*cks
i like how this album is just called "big fat box of shit" but i haven't done anything to fix this rather blatant error.
you know what.. i was just tryin to have some fun!!!! not my fault if i dont f*ckin listen to mayhem naked, and check for the most obscure metal album on ebay. lets make out
You want a comedy CD? Try: David Cross, Patton Oswalt, Richard Pyor, Eddie Murphy, etc. Hell, even Weird Al beats this. But hey, some people think it's funny...I wish I did, but I don't. If you like the riffs in this go buy the guy's real metal band Capharnaum and leave the comedy separate from the metal.
Hearing anyone sing "Let me lick your jerk" opera-style is good enough for me.
This is a great album by really talented musicians. All you people who down it, and call it crap are too hardcore. You need to lighten up and respect something that you yourself could never create in your derivative lifetime.
Hahaha, well you do have a sense of humor. This album is incredibly awesome. The randomness is just... it's too fun. One of the best things about this album is just trying to figure out what's going to happen next. It's simply the most retarded thing i've ever heard but it's done quite skillfully. I wish there was a little more metal sound but eh, whatever. Cory, your bottom line comment is quite funny. Kudos.
A.D.D.-Core!!! this cd should be committed to memory by EVERY person EVER
This album is hilarious. It's too bad that sceneXedge kids aren't allowed to have a sense of humour, they might actually appreciate the technicality and the creativity on this disc. Oh wait, my bad. Did I just say scene and creative in the same sentence? Face it, y'all are just mad cuz they didn't make any of their songs sound more like Between The Buried And Me. Cuz, y'know, BTBAM is liekk s0000 d3thXXXcore!!! XMETALX Please. Get off your myspaces and listen to Crotchduster.
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