Post CommentI love these reviews and this are band is a bunch of fools of trend.
This should be a lyric! Nice Review..... "Rock is Back." Back from where, you ask? Back from getting a full frontal lobotomy, apparently."
man by far the best review ive ever read. That was just too funny.
dude, WTF this band is awesome. NOT, they suck ass.
i haven't heard the album, but i'm not a fan of the shit i've heard...i walked away from their set at hellfest shaking my head with disgust...the only upside to this band is that the guys themselves are pretty cool...but musically...just no
you can tell these guys are shitty just from their name. Good job cory, tear those gays a new one.
HEY THEY DIDNT GET A 1 haha they were lucky i guess...? what ever happend to music about real porblems. f*cking Fruit booters
Hahaha, hillarious review Cory. Buckwheat agrees wholeheartedly. To the above poster: Cory probably gave it a 0, but webmaster changed the score, as he is a massive RAR fan.
"They're definitely not the best band out there at this sort of thing, but they're good enough to attract a legion of adoring pre-teen girls and their mildly ashamed fifteen year old brothers who love Unearth and Hatebreed despite having no real f*cking clue about metal or hardcore" hahahahahaahahha this band got f*cking owned.
"Rock is Back." Back from where, you ask? Back from getting a full frontal lobotomy, apparently. hahaha fantastic
dear Cory, i love you. Dear RAR, Please move out of Rochester so we can have 1 less thing to be ashamed of. You suck. Nobody Cares!!!!!!!!!
they are a bunch of posers and sluts. get this shit out of hardcore.
OOOH, you don't like our music! boo f*cking hoo. Cry me a river fanboy. We have more talent in our little finger than you do in your whole body. What band do you play for tough guy? huh? probably some bull shit in flames rifoff. gays.
That's the same response that the guy from Code Black supposedly had. Hmm. I'm beginning to suspect a poseur in our midst.
No! That's absolutely propostorous, Cory!
These guys give Rochester a bad name. There are so many good bands like Psyopus and Sulaco. Give it up!
yo f*ck that, new unearth is sick....justain owns bitches.
Now I have the first comment!!!! Horrible band....