Birmingham, Alabama's Erra has announced the departure of frontman Garrison Lee and guitarist Alan Rigdon. Now joining the band is Ian Eubanks, with whom the band just finished recording a new EP. Here's the official word:
"It has been rumored in the last few months that our frontman Garrison was leaving the band. Those rumors were actually true. Garrison had a great job opportunity come up back in March. We could tell for a while that his heart wasn't in it like it used to be, so we all talked about it and mutually decided that it was the right thing to do. There was no bad blood or tension in this conversation. As a matter of fact, he did 2 more tours with us after that conversation until we were able to find the right guy to fill the new vocalist spot (the Veil of Maya & Texas in July tours)
"So now that you're up to speed on the sad news, the good news is that we just finished recording a new EP with our new vocalist, Ian Eubanks.
"Ian has been one of our best friends from Birmingham for years now, and we hope that you trust us when we say that there is absolutely no one more qualified to fill the spot as our vocalist as Ian is. We've heard the new mixes and are extremely confident that Erra fans will be completely satisfied and accepting of this new addition to the band...(no seriously, you'll love it haha).
"Also, our bass player Sean [Price] has moved to guitar (the departure of our guitarist Alan is completely unrelated to Garrison's). We have not filled the bass position yet, but we aren't in a hurry and are searching privately within our own realm of friends, so PLEASE do not send any tryout submissions or messages.
"Lastly, I'll just say that the reason behind recording new songs as quickly as we did was to show you guys as quickly as possible that you don't have to be concerned about our band falling apart. We recorded these songs so you could hear them and say "oh thank god, they still write songs I like". So please, don't worry you guys haha. The band is stronger than ever, and I'm being completely honest about that. This is only the start to all the incredible news we have to share with y'all over the course of the next 3 months....It's all really insane and we are completely humbled and excited by everything that lays ahead.
"Thank you, and we love and appreciate all of you guys for caring about our band as much as we do."
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