NewsJuly 15, 2012 8:50 PM ET57,587 views

Woman dies during Chelsea Grin's Warped Tour set

A young woman collapsed and died at the Molson Amphitheatre in Toronto, ON today during a Warped Tour set. According to, "EMS officials said people saw a woman in her early 20s lying on the grass and not breathing. They called 911 around 12:40 p.m. and attempted CPR." Sadly, resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful. Reports indicate that the incident occured during Chelsea Grin's set. The band had the following to say via Twitter: "Our hearts go out to the person who died today. We still don't know everything that happened but it's no time for jokes on our page." The woman was reportedly Taylor Nesseth, age 19, of Ontario. Ironically, Nesseth Tweeted the following this morning: "Have to be up in 10 minutes...oh well. Warped tour today! I'd say I'm excited, but that's not enough." UPDATE (7/16/2012 9:10 AM): Some of the comments you'll encounter for this news item are disgusting. Frankly, it is the result of the environment we've created here at Lambgoat. For ten years we've watched a subset of our commenters revel in some sort of depraved virtual party, where anonymity compels little boys in their parents' basements to post the most inflammatory remarks they can conjure up. Sadly, the spectre of death does little to temper the festivities, and in fact exacerbates the festering wound that is the Lambgoat comment section. We're not proud of this, but it is what it is. The people you loathe here do in fact exist, and the Internet can be a disheartening place. But while we do attempt to delete the most insensitive and vulgar of comments, removing the ability to comment entirely will not make the Internet a more civilized place, nor improve society at large. If you are someone that truly knew and cared for Miss Nesseth, you should absolutely not read our comments section. If you do, know that whatever negativity you encounter is not directed at Taylor personally. It is merely an outlet for a small group of pathetic people. Know that they exist, feel sorry for them, and move along to something productive and genuinely therapeutic. We're sorry for your loss.

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