FeaturesOctober 21, 201412,926 views

GhostxShip "The Here And Now" video premiere

Hardcore band GhostxShip unveil their new video for "The Here And Now."


This past summer, Syracuse, NY straight edge hardcore band GhostxShip released a new album titled Cold Water Army through Innerstrength Records.

Fast forward three months and the band has now issued a music video for "The Here And Now," a bruising track from the effort. Check out the video below and be sure to keep up with GhostxShip via Facebook. If you dig the song, you can purchase Cold Water Army here.


Post Comment
anonymous 10/21/2014 8:12:01 AM

well that's embarassing

anonymous 10/21/2014 8:29:56 AM

Shitty band full of shit heads make dumb video. Life flip.

anonymous 10/21/2014 8:38:33 AM

worst episode of Bang Bus ever

anonymous 10/21/2014 8:41:12 AM

Hellfest money put to good use.

anonymous 10/21/2014 8:42:19 AM

I guess you guys lost some cd sales

anonymous 10/21/2014 8:47:03 AM

bummer that they didnt just do a played out live video or one in an alley where they pretend to be tough guys. f*ck them for trying to do something different.

anonymous 10/21/2014 8:47:57 AM

I would much rather get tag-team beatd by Curtis and Buster Beans 100000x over than endure this again

anonymous 10/21/2014 8:49:32 AM

These guys were better when they had a rapist for a singer.

anonymous 10/21/2014 8:51:16 AM

So thankful real names were used in the video. Can't wait to look up Sean Mott on Facebook later and maybe we can arrange a little blow n go in that radddddddd ride #partyblow

anonymous 10/21/2014 8:52:48 AM

people still like shit like this? christ. sell out and grow the f*ck up already.

anonymous 10/21/2014 8:53:53 AM

Much kissing such erotic

anonymous 10/21/2014 8:54:20 AM

the gayness of this video makes me want to run out and blow the first dude i can find.

anonymous 10/21/2014 8:59:33 AM

Why don't all of you hop off Curtis' dick and think for yourselves....gays VVVVVVVVV

anonymous 10/21/2014 9:04:42 AM

Holy shit they had fun making a video and everyone has a hissy fit. What a bunch of cry babies. Go and talk that shit to their faces and see if you're still internet tough. Grow the f*ck up and keep trolling the internet from your moms basements at least they're out touring and doing shit.

anonymous 10/21/2014 9:11:20 AM

Playing in your hometown is not a tour

anonymous 10/21/2014 9:14:34 AM

They're playing a bunch of shows out of state. Thats a tour!! Do your research before you speak.

anonymous 10/21/2014 9:15:21 AM

^^^ this.

anonymous 10/21/2014 9:17:59 AM

Gay friend of band says (or more likely gay band member)..."at least they're out touring and doing shit." News flash weekends less than 4 hours from their home is not touring. Neither is playing every local show that comes through.

anonymous 10/21/2014 9:22:53 AM

How is going to PA, OH, MI, IL, KY, NC AND VA not a tour? All this gay shit is pathetic and youre all emo not hardcore. The video is what it is and the message should matter but you would rather rip someone whos actually doing stuff. So say your gay piece and move on. They'll keep TOURING while you sit at home.

anonymous 10/21/2014 9:26:47 AM

I give up on straight edge

anonymous 10/21/2014 9:34:22 AM

this thread is more gay than ebola.

anonymous 10/21/2014 9:34:40 AM

I am so mad people are saying negative things about this great band. They are all so handsome and talented and you guys are all just some trolls in your moms basement if you do not agree with me. Also I think it's really awesome that their guitarist along with Keith Caputo and Laura Jean Grace is so proud of his transgendered lifestyle. Fly that flag high honey we re rooting for you!

Bercadedoo 10/21/2014 9:34:41 AM

Look at all these tough guy internet trolls that all have the same name...anonymous. Put some pants on, grow a pair, leave your filthy bedrooms, and check out a show. Since clearly you're all versed on how often they play hometown shows. Or would you rather just sit around bashing bands that are doing things because you have no life, or your band sucks, and obviously have nothing better to do?

anonymous 10/21/2014 9:56:52 AM

Bercadedoo .... hahahahaha so you just created a profile to make a post bashing anonymous people? Because creating a fake profile to make your point isn't the same thing? Shows that you literally have no f*cking life to take the time to make this. I also have pants on, have a pretty nice pair of testicles, my bedroom is pretty clean, and seen many of these ghostxship shows. So maybe you should be the one to educate yourself on good music, hardcore, and straight edge.

anonymous 10/21/2014 9:57:13 AM

Great record. Great song. Great video.

anonymous 10/21/2014 10:43:11 AM

Amazing track and awesome video. I cant wait for their mosh cam video!

anonymous 10/21/2014 10:49:31 AM

- said no one ever

xantxnyhc 10/21/2014 10:54:31 AM

these dudes are hardworking brothers. holding down hardcore in Syracuse a Mecca for Straight Edge. they dont tour full time cause they have lives full time jobs two jobs. they do what the can! if you dont like it f*ck you!! aint no one have time for negativity! keep it up forever holding down the edge!!

anonymous 10/21/2014 10:59:18 AM

less talk about this gay shit, more talk about the STYG video.

anonymous 10/21/2014 11:40:04 AM

The band actively acts like they want you to talk shit about them so honestly ignoring this (more than everyone already has) is probably the best thing.

anonymous 10/21/2014 11:43:20 AM

Love watching Chris play drums. never gets old.

anonymous 10/21/2014 12:06:55 PM

Roller skates, hellfest money, ducks and merch. There, am I Internet cool now?

anonymous 10/21/2014 1:02:37 PM

f*ck all these dweebs talking shit go watch your wwe play your magic the gathering And smoke your weeds these dude are real And bust there asses to have what they have They put in work much respect guys keep up They great work

anonymous 10/21/2014 1:44:51 PM

Nah, this is lame. Its like communism, its a cute idea, but its also f*cking stupid.

anonymous 10/21/2014 1:47:21 PM

I would

anonymous 10/21/2014 2:00:26 PM

They dropped that Cary the flame song I was keen The the e.p the dropped was fully differnt and mastered differnt and now everything is just shit and gay, This clip has ruined Wayne's world for me is wish the mosh mobile got in a high speed crash Straight edge fun boys f*ck club, kiss our friends hot dicks

anonymous 10/21/2014 2:05:24 PM

Why I would rather watch 20 minutes of Curtisxlepore vines

anonymous 10/21/2014 2:08:48 PM

Their original vocalist released a media statement a while back saying he had to leave the band because they were forcing him to group male sexual encounters. There's some suspect shit going on in syracuse

anonymous 10/21/2014 2:12:25 PM

Where can I get a ghost ship Wayne's world hat?!? I want to wear it backwards when daddy f*cks me

anonymous 10/21/2014 2:45:03 PM

lazy video is asleep at the wheel

anonymous 10/21/2014 3:56:11 PM

Not a bad song, but a really lack luster video. Kinda bummed they didn't go deeper into the Wayne's world idea. Rather than just driving around. They could have gone to the show like in the movie and had another version of them playing on stage. A lot of different ideas. And someone should have taught the guitarist how to properly lip sync.

anonymous 10/21/2014 6:09:11 PM

I heard Perfect pssy was writing new material, but I didn't think it would be this lame.

anonymous 10/21/2014 6:44:02 PM

It's pretty clear which of you are from Syracuse and which of you are confused Euros. The telegraph sending you kind hearted folks news about Syracuse being a straight edge Mecca is delayed by about 15 years. Much like the relevance of this band's sound. Also, all of the hellfest ducks are in a pair of rollerblades in the trunk of that car.

anonymous 10/21/2014 7:41:52 PM

"At least they're out touring and doing shit" Apparently we don't know what the word touring actually means since it is used so losely in this sentence. Playing a handful of shows in a very select few states doesn't deem it a "tour." Also, I'm not actually sure what "doing shit" means, but if playing every show in Syracuse means that they're doing shit, I guess they are.

anonymous 10/21/2014 7:59:16 PM


anonymous 10/21/2014 8:45:28 PM

Love how no one has the balls to not be anonymous but has the nerve to bash awesome people they don't even really know. Instead of being jerks and bashing the band just dont watch the video. Simple as that, but what fun would being a sensible adult be. I mean right? Shame on anyone who doesn't want to talk shit and use their internet muscles to try to sound big and bad.. Awesome job guys! Love the video!! ~ Sherrill Decker.

anonymous 10/22/2014 5:59:21 AM

Shut up ~Jesus Christ

anonymous 10/22/2014 6:11:10 AM

~ Sherrill Decker, gave me a peanut butter hand job... sticky sweet sherrill, love you mommy....

anonymous 10/22/2014 3:05:57 PM

Every body who is insulting this band can just go to hell they're great live make a great record, and who the f*ck cares if they produced one bad song every band has one(not say sage this song is bad) it's awesome

anonymous 10/22/2014 4:02:09 PM

Sean puttin on that winter weight I see

anonymous 10/22/2014 4:36:34 PM

For anyone traveling through upstate new York: Avoid the music, the food, the hotels and the girls. This is what passes for a band worth going to see in Syracuse.

anonymous 10/22/2014 4:37:19 PM

I bet you half of these anonymous comments are from Curtis Lepore. Including this one, you know. So no one gets suspicious.

anonymous 10/22/2014 4:40:57 PM

This is really bad

anonymous 10/22/2014 4:41:45 PM

Reign Supreme called and said "This band can get off our nuts any day now."

anonymous 10/22/2014 4:43:43 PM

I think the Video is great. But I'm just Curtis Lepore. What do I know? Hold on! It's time to beat!

anonymous 10/22/2014 4:55:03 PM

A lot of these comments show the true face of hardcore and straight edge these days. Bunch of homophobic hate mongers that do nothing but run their f*cking big mouths. Pieces of shit. BTW the video is good.

anonymous 10/22/2014 5:07:19 PM

2006 called, it wants it's generic crap back. But it called on the land line and no one checks that anymore.

anonymous 10/22/2014 6:03:43 PM

A lot of these comments show the true face of hardcore and straight edge these days. Bunch of homophobic hate mongers that do nothing but run their f*cking big mouths. Pieces of shit. BTW the video is good. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh...well no, its actually always been that way.

anonymous 10/22/2014 6:13:58 PM

Syracuse should be part of Oregon.place sucks.filled with try hards and scene drama.

anonymous 10/22/2014 6:45:19 PM

Speaking of weight.....their vocalist is supposed to be some kind of "Ultimate Fighter" when in reality he can't even fight the urge to eat all the snacks at the gyms concession where he works

anonymous 10/22/2014 7:22:59 PM

IThike how everyone is talking shit about a band that's what doing what they love and giving it 100% when they step on stage..got to love the haters of the world and by the way I am sure they appreciate The the free promo there getting by you guys talking about

anonymous 10/22/2014 8:34:01 PM

Funny video, very creative. Cant wait to see you guys on tour next month!

anonymous 10/22/2014 8:50:07 PM

Wow! These comments are sad. This person is very envious. They're obviously unhappy, otherwise they would be praising and encouraging their fellow man.I mean, it doesn't take a psychologist to see that. Envy is a crippling disease.:(

anonymous 10/22/2014 10:15:18 PM

Awesome video!

anonymous 10/23/2014 4:41:47 AM

Upstate NY: Home of try hards with no skillz.

anonymous 10/23/2014 10:04:03 AM

Seriously. You all need to check yourself and pay some respect. This band was in Rolling Stone.... ...because their old singer beatd a girl. And the best part of this video is that the TMZ article about it is STILL the first thing to pop up when you google this band.

anonymous 10/23/2014 11:07:00 AM


anonymous 10/23/2014 11:35:32 AM

Not enough boobs

anonymous 10/23/2014 11:37:21 AM

I'm gonna google map that house and goo in their mailbox cause that's what they like. GAY SHIT.

anonymous 10/23/2014 2:24:41 PM

song is 4 minutes too long

anonymous 10/23/2014 4:03:19 PM

I think this video is great!!! Being yourselves and having fun!! Such a great band and you are staying true to you and what you believe it. It is sad there are so many haters posting comments but this is the internet world, if they saw any of the band in person I am sure none of them would even open their mouths with a negative comment. Also with regards with the "give up on straight edge" comment.... how about stay true to you.. regardless if you are straight edge or not. alv

anonymous 10/23/2014 5:14:10 PM

From all the anonymous bashing I now know I can beat all your asses.....and I'm a chick. Sissy bitches.

anonymous 10/23/2014 7:08:57 PM

so sick of this fake ass straight edge bullshit grow the f*ck up

anonymous 10/23/2014 7:27:19 PM

Go listen to skrillex or something. Y'all talkin bout try hards in upstate and yall the ones sittin behind your iPhones talkin shit. f*ck y'all hatin ass try hards.

anonymous 10/23/2014 7:36:41 PM

Do real men wear drain pipe jeans and mascara? what happened to CBGBs? what happened to WKTU dicso92? where's Mr. Magic? What happened to rap music? How many ramones are still alive? I got 3 words for you.

anonymous 10/24/2014 5:06:38 PM

Best video of the year! Nice job!

anonymous 10/25/2014 9:48:16 AM

From all the anonymous bashing I now know I can beat all your asses.....and I'm a chick. Sissy bitches. -Says the anonymous posting bitch. Fight me.

anonymous 10/25/2014 5:46:03 PM

what an extremely shitty and boring video.

negativecreep 10/26/2014 5:46:59 AM

Total gay crush on the big bearded dude in this band.

anonymous 10/31/2014 9:31:46 AM
