watch Every Time I Die guitarist stop onstage selfie with karate kick
Stage selfies = look at me look at me I didn't get enough attention as a kid and can't handle 5 people here getting more attention than me
— Jordan Buckley (@JordanETID) December 6, 2014
UPDATE: Before Jordan intervened, fan Micah Barnes did manage to snap a selfie with Keith. Here it is:

Post Commentsir, you are the asshat. Go see a comedian, take a selfie of yourself while standing up, in the middle of his show, and see his reaction (i'm pretty sure he'll tell you to fcking sit down or else go brush your ego somewhere else). If you want to take a selfie with the guy, just fcking wait after the show, like every other normal fan would do, line up with everybody and wait. Don't fcking disturb him while he's doing his job. That guy deserved what happened there.
total prick. I guess that how you repay fans for paying money to watch your shitty band play.
Another way to look at it is "Whoa whoa, I don't like that this guy is taking attention away from me for half a second..." If he tried to kick my phone out of my hand and it ended up breaking, I'd climb back onstage and pummel the fck out of him. It's a show. These things happen. Your singer didn't seem to mind. Relax, tough guy.
Haha. You would not beat the fck out of him with Andy Williams on stage. ETID is the best band. Awesome dudes. Funny guys. Who gives a shit. Living in the moment and kicked his arm. Pretty awesome if you ask me.
This was hilarious!! And screw all you little cry babies who are getting mad because someone doesn't want you in their work space disrupting the integrity of their performance for a fcking instagram photo.
ETID fcking sucks... and fck that guy and his cookie cutter riffs.. Death to false metal...
eric salzer got etid to stop a song mid-set so they could take a selfie with him. fck this nerd eric for president of stage selfies
Kid took a risk, jordan took a risk. One ended shitty, and one hillarious. Kidnshould know you're entering the bands space and weak hijinks may not be appreshed by everyone.
hopefully this prevents on stage selfies as a new trend
The band sucks. But not as much as some douche who thinks its ok to take selfies on stage while a band is playing.
Cookie cutter riffs? What brilliant shit do you listen to? ETID kills! fck that kids selfie! Peter Framton Threw a guy's phone like 30 ft. And everyone applauded. I think it should become common practice to throw water on kids in the front if they're on their phone.
The look Andy gives at the very end...priceless.
I was in the crowd right in front of this and while I don't agree with damaging people's belongings I totally get where Jordan was coming from. One person started the selfie taking during the previous band's set, and then a few more started taking them and then by the end of their set you had numerous people on stage at once fumbling with their phones and even interrupting the musicians at times. It continued heavily into ETID's set and by that point it was time to put an end to it.
Who the fck gets on stage while the bands mid song for a fcking picture? How fcking rude is that? Props to jordans mad ninja skills.
"Your singer didn't mind" he did in fact. The last song, another kid tried and Keith took his phone and Andy Williams threw him off stage. And it's not like these guys don't like kids on stage, there were a crazy number of stage divers. Stage selfies are just douchey
lol kick was well deserved. too bad it wasn't a belfie
You want attention on stage at a show like ETID? Work your fcking ass off for 16 years as a band and earn the right to be in front of that many people doing whatever the hell you want. Until then, get off the stage. Doesn't matter if their music is good or not, they work fcking hard to get to that point, and all of you asshats dont have an ounce of the work ethic they do.
There used to be a time when while wearing leis and Hawaiian shirts, these dudes invited everyone on stage during their set to jam along.
what kind of jerk takes a selfie with a lead singer while on stage? GET OFF STAGE! its not like you ever saw someone do this with a regular camera 5-10+ years ago. wtf. IGNORANT KID
Lol nice kick! fck you who hate on him, it's the bands time to shine not yours save your selfies until after the set rude mother fckers
Listen to you self righteous little f*ksticks. "IF I WAS DISSRESPECTING A BAND BY JUMPING ON STAGE TO TAKE A SELFIE WITH A MEMBER OF THE BAND AND THEY BROKE MY PHONE ID BEAT SOME ASS!" You are the worst of the worst. Go do that shit at a Used concert or something you suburban brats.
fair enough they don't like stage selfies but I bet if the kid went and kicked his amp over 'because he doesn't like his amp' that damaging someones belongings would be a different story
What a dbag.. That's how you treat your fans.
Don't be so fcking sensitive. Big fcking deal, people take selfies. Who cares... Wow, what a righteous cause, we're going to rid the world of selfies one by one. You know what's douchey? People who get offended by other people taking selfies. Lame
How would you feel doing a presentation and someone interrupted you like this? How would you react? You'd probably bring that shit home with you and rant about it for HOURS. Now add in the fact that this is punk rock and you can do whatever you want as a band member. If you as an audience member think there would be absolutely no chance of repercussions by jumping on stage and acting stupid- you deserve to have your Nokia 4 kicked out of your hand.
I can't stand this band.. but that was hilarious.
If you take selfies, you deserve more than a kick to the arm...
That kid was part of the reason you're as famous as you are. The fact that you are this disrespectful to fans proves that you don't deserve to be in the limelight. You've probably changed his life or helped him in some way through your music but you don't seem to give a shit. All the kids saying he's right in kicking him are ignorant. None of you are better than anyone. Let the kid enjoy the show in his own way.
How many units did they sell first week..? Keep kicking fans, I hope no one buys ur music, Dick(s) - ur mom
what is this stage selfie shit? wait til theyre done you c-ck smoker. I feel sad for future generations.
Seriously, how obnoxiously self absorbed do you have to be to think that jumping on stage during a performance and trying to take a picture with the lead singer is an ok thing to do? Great, so the kid paid for his ticket. Guess what? So did everyone else in that room. And I guarantee they didn't pay to watch some self important douche bag interrupt the band mid song.
Welcome to modern punk rock, where people complain about punk rock.
Just because he wanted to take a picture doesn't make him self absorbed. People jump on stage all the damn time for various reasons. The band doesn't have to stop playing, so it's not an "interruption". Let the kid hop up there for 3 seconds, get his picture, and hop down. No harm done. Good vibes make a show better, not bad ones.
I'm in a band, actually a fairly well known band. This shit happens all the time. Yeah it's lame but big fcking deal. Without your fans you don't have much of a show to stomp around and do your dance. This is 2014, people take selfies now, get over it.
you're out of your mind if you think jumping on stage to take a selfie with a band isn't completely self-absorbed behavior. you're not watching or dancing or listening to the band, you're thinking about your social media and yourself and thats it. welcome to the "look at me its all about me like me please like me" generation. puke
you're out of your mind if you think jumping on stage to take a selfie with a band isn't completely self-absorbed behavior. you're not watching or dancing or listening to the band, you're thinking about your social media and yourself and thats it. welcome to the "look at me its all about me like me please like me" generation. puke
Haha that's great.. fcking hate these douchey gays getting on stage.. selfie time.. good job jordon should have kicked him in the balls insyead though
This band sucks anyways n if they're that way towards a gsn having fun go fck themselves
Wow, so much angst in these comments, you guys are all sooo edgy, it's 2014, people take selfies, and people calling that self absorbed behavior are ridiculous. Now I'm not necessarily agreeing with the stage selfie where he like stepped in with the singer, but if he had just hooped up there and took a lone selfie who cares. People are ridiculous and you sound like hipsters.
I'm still lol'ing someone tried to compare Attilla or how ever you spell that gay ass bands name to ETID. I was at this show and trust me, its fcking annoying as a fan whose trying to enjoy the set while a bunch of girls are jumping on stage to take photos. Its a metal show, not a photo studio
Should have kicked him in the face. Stupid ass probably wanted it for his twitter account. What's the count for scene points for an on stage selfie.
These people are your fans, do not kick them for taking a picture. Get over yourself people. You are not elite because you look down on people for taking a picture of themselves with a band they love. Probably would've been one of the highlights of his life, even though he's a douche. A douche that is buying tickets to your show.
I don't care if kids want to take selfies when it doesn't affect anyone else but taking a selfie on stage is distracting to the band and it's also disrespectful to the rest of the audience. We don't pay to go to shows to have your dumb ass getting a photo onstage with the band. For the love of all things unholy, take two seconds to think and have some consideration for the people around you. Is that too much to ask? Don't defend this jerk, he got less than he deserved.
But it's totally ok to jump on stage and dance around like a douche, bumping Ito the band and then do a "stage dive"? Haha
"These people are your fans, do not kick them for taking a picture. Get over yourself people. You..." Get your photo before or after the performance and stop ruining everyone else's good times. You'd all be pissed if next show they played they had bouncers keeping everyone off the stage.
Why is no one complementing the height of that kick? Damn.
If you are trying to defend the fans by saying some shit like " u should respect your fans" youre fcked. Everyone in attendance should be respectful to one another. Its that band on the stage that brought everyone there. Dont be an jerk. Honestly I havent listened to this band since like warped tour '09 but damn. Y'all a buncha damn fools.
The vocalist was about it and even leaned in for it. fck the guitarist, just mad cause his dad never took a picture with him. This band sucks as much as the dude that took the picture.
How about I've worked years to be able to play music and hardly make fcking dick on stage, so some gay can wait until the band he paid money to see is done. fck you and fck your selfies, you c*nts. It's called a fcking performance, not an every broke ass sagea can jump on stage and take selfies with me. You get on my stage and fck with my show, I'll kick you in the fcking teeth
All the people defending the selfie turd are total morons, perhaps low IQ disneyland social gang members?
For the record.. if any of you actually pay attention you'll notice in the video that Keith literally stops to pose with the kid and gives a thumbs up (i'd assume) towards his phone. he seems to be totally cool with the fan wanting to take a picture with him, until his brother kicked the dudes arm.
"But it's totally ok to jump on stage and dance around like a douche, bumping Ito the band and then do a "stage dive"? Haha" yeah because, you know, that's what shows are for...
or the record.. if any of you actually pay attention you'll notice in the video that Keith literally stops to pose with the kid and gives a thumbs up (i'd assume) towards his phone. he seems to be totally cool with the fan wanting to take a picture with him, until his brother kicked the dudes arm. Keith was giving the middle finger but you're right, he was down.
If you think there is anything wrong with what Jordan did then you clearly have never been in a band. People are paying to see a performance, not some kid walk on stage like it's a convention and pose for a god damn selfie. As for the kid who would "walk back on stage and pummel the fck out of him" if his screen broke- no you fcking wouldn't. You'd wait for the next Lambgoat article and cry about it on the internet.
I would be honored to have Jordan kick me in the teeth let alone arm. If you have seen the band play live you know Jordan is the most energetic spontaneous one in the band. He spits, jumps, runs around, and stage dives with his guitar. I laughed when I saw it. Crazy things tend to happen at an ETID show, that is what makes them so fun to see, whether you like their studio stuff or not. I was in the ER getting my head stapled after the last lime I saw them... ho hum no biggie.
"ETID sucks!" oh my god, I never realized it until just now! thank god you said something! you've totally changed my opinion with your simplistic, negative comments! sck a dck.
These old bloated turds should appreciate every single kid at the show while they still can. That guy paid entrance, probably bought merch, and you crapped on him for a photo. Way to go, Corkey Buckley.
Lol at all the butthurt selfie-snapping rear beads in the comments He should've chopped his fcking head off with a ninja weapon instead All selfie-gays deserve way worse
Didnt read the comments but, srs fck selfies and the gays that need to take them. Taking selfies is like starting your own chant for your band
Don't make yourself part of the show and you won't be karate kicked for being an idiot.
The "fan" deserved to have been thrown out of the show. Anyone climbing on stage is a liability. It's a workplace for touring musicians. I've seen countless morons climb up there and stumble into guitarists, knock over mic stands, bump into gear, etc. We're talking thousands of dollars of gear up there.. Regardless of how innocent a stage "selfie" might seem, it only takes one to start a trend. I'm sure no one else attempted to get up there afterward.
Buckley bitches got silver spoons up their c*nts...get a new singer then the band would be good_ fck off
another update for ya Lambgoat.... He also got a picture with Jordan after the show.
Hilarious how these carrier carnies aka hc musicians suddenly talk about "workplace" and "touring musicians". Nontaxable income in a band isn't exactly work. The professional carnies/stage monkeys/roadies/tour managers whom formerly beat up people, jumped off stages feet first, and abused the crowd, now suddenly want to feel dignified as they are nearing 40 and make the salary of a hot topic cashier.
"Let the kid have fun" Within reason of course. This is distracting and to be honest really annoying. There are plenty of people who are using their phone from a far.
The vocalist was about it and even leaned in for it. fck the guitarist, just mad cause his dad never took a picture with him. This band sucks as much as the dude that took the picture.<---- written by Jordan's grandfather.
What an asshat. Let the kid have his fun.