BlogSeptember 17, 2014 9:20 AM ET

Slipknot singer's comments on Joey Jordison firing suggest drugs to blame

Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor has opened up slightly about the band's late-2013 split with drummer Joey Jordison, who was fired without public explanation. In a interview with Metal Hammer, Taylor says that the firing was "one of the hardest decisions" Slipknot ever made. Though he doesn't come out and say it, Taylor's failure to delve into specifics along with his use of the phrase "the old him" when referring to Jordison are highly suggestive of substance abuse issues.

"I can't talk too much about it because we're going through the legalities of everything right now and settling everything, but it's when a relationship hits that T-section and one person's going one way and you're going the other. And try as you might to either get them to go your way or try and go their way, at some point you've got to go in the direction that works for you. This is me speaking in the broadest terms, with respect to Joey. I guess to sum it up, it was one of the hardest decisions we ever made.

"We're all happy right now and we hope that he is. I've known him since '91, and that was before we were in bands together, and he's incredibly talented; he's just in a place in his life, right now, that's not where we are... in the nicest terms."

Given those suggestive remarks, Taylor was asked if Jordison's dismissal was related to substance abuse:

"There's only so far that I can give an explanation. For me, that has to be a sign of growing up, because before I would've just railed at whatever I thought the supposed evil was, but now it's like, how do you explain to the fans? And that's the hardest part, because no matter what explanation you give, it's not gonna make them happy. I'm sure there are fans out there who have their own theories about it."

Taylor also told Metal Hammer that he currently has no relationship whatsoever with Jordison:

"I haven't talked to Joey in a while, to be honest. That's how different we are. It's not because I don't love him and I don't miss him. And it is painful; we talk about him all the time, but at the same time, do we miss him or do we miss the old him? That's what it really comes down to. It's just a fucking shame."


Post Comment
anonymous 9/17/2014 6:38:26 AM

Just for the record joey was the most talented member of this band. It's a shame that slipknot is the reason I got into heavy music and everything they have put out after Iowa has been terrible. Not gonna bash em, but when I was a kid I would have killed someone for saying bad shit about em and now I am saying bad shit about em

anonymous 9/17/2014 6:48:50 AM

everything they have put out after Iowa has been terrible. Not gonna bash em.....

anonymous 9/17/2014 8:40:08 AM

Drugs to blame? Maybe you are jumping to conclusions a bit. Maybe he just turned into a complete arsehole

anonymous 9/17/2014 9:10:41 AM

^ yes, it is because he turned into an jerk, not because of drugs, even though previously admitted to an addiction...sure

anonymous 9/17/2014 9:52:48 AM

the new material speaks for itself… they should have broken up. Joey and Paul were the main songwriters and drive of Slipknot. I never cared for Corey, he's a douche dick pansy.

anonymous 9/17/2014 10:35:16 AM

cool, ditch your best friend because he's having substance problems?? the band was this dude's only saving grace and now that his best friends kicked him to the curb, his spiral is only gonna get way worse.

anonymous 9/17/2014 10:40:01 AM


anonymous 9/17/2014 11:06:08 AM

Fck Corey. Joey is irreplaceable and the way they fired him was shitty. Slipknot will never be the same. RIP Paul Gray.

308 9/17/2014 11:24:41 AM

anonymous posted 4 hours ago Just for the record joey was the most talented member of this band. It's a shame that slipknot is the reason I got into heavy music and everything they have put out after Iowa has been terrible. Not gonna bash em, but when I was a kid I would have killed someone for saying bad shit about em and now I am saying bad shit about em So you should kill yourself... worthless

RickRock 9/17/2014 2:51:47 PM

Dude is a phenomenal drummer. Maybe now, he'll start a real metal band and do more blast beats.

anonymous 9/17/2014 4:10:39 PM

Can comments suggest?

anonymous 9/17/2014 6:18:56 PM

He already did start his own band 'STM' and it was sh*t. You can the substance abuse problems, most likely alcohol, he got really BIG. He's a tub now.

anonymous 9/17/2014 10:24:04 PM

Yeah, man, you can substance abuse problems.

anonymous 9/18/2014 10:02:45 AM

I thought joey left because he didnt want to move on without paul tours were fine but writing without him was stupid and look what came out it sounds like what everyone else did......become radio friendly because your boss the record company probably fckin told you too and youre just pissed a joe because he left because he knew it was going to be fcking stupid at least someone from last generations metal is still fcking true to the music

anonymous 9/18/2014 12:01:47 PM

Its ironic being Slipknot have been a heroin band since they started, and were very open about it on the road, asking for it out loud why not help joey?..they already let one guy kill himself

anonymous 9/18/2014 4:59:01 PM

its the opposite,he was doing this so called "substance" years ago then stopped.I think thats what corey meant when he said ," do we miss him or do we miss the old him?"This is what coke does,gives you kick ass drumming:https://www.youtu

anonymous 3/4/2015 5:12:43 PM

i am really pissed off about this but I guess we all have to learn to accept it